Part 14 - Too much whiskey...

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Jesse's POV

Sombra and I walked into this bar, where I saw Genji, he's green hair wasn't something you didn't see, he was talking to the bartender, probably flirting with her. I normally only see him 6 times at a whole year and he is one of the best friends (and Jesse doesn't know that Hanzo is Genji's brother he thinks that he 'dreamt it') I went over and sat down beside him.

"Hello Jesse, it's good to see you."
"Howdy Genji, how are you doing? I know you are busy with your family's business and all that..."
"Well, you see I'm going to take over the family's business and not my big brother and he's not mad at me at all..."
"That's a good thing?" I asked.
"I'm not sure... Maybe..."

We started to talk about a lot of stuff like girls, sex, alcohol, food, and other things. After a few drinks and an hour of talking, someone called Genji. It was a conversation on Japanese, so I had no idea what they were talking about. After he hung up, he started to talk to me again.

"So... Who was it?" I asked.
"My brother, he wanted to meet up with me."
"So, is he coming here?"
"Yeah... You see, my brother is, how do you say it... Different..."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, he's different... Maybe he is something for you..." Genji said, "One more drink for me and my friend." The drinks were placed in front of us. "Cheers?"
"Cheers," I said and lift up the glass.

~Too much whiskey later~

I was starting to get a little drunk and some person who had started to talk to Genji. I looked up at this person who was in the middle of a conversation with Genji.

"And who is that guy then?"
"Well, this is my friend, Jesse McCree... Jesse?" Genji looked at me.
"Hello there..." I wasn't sure who this person was and it was a little bit on clear so I took a sip of my whiskey.
"Jesse, this is my brother I told you about, Hanzo." I almost spit out.

"Your Hanzo?" I said and stood up.
"Yes... I don't know what Genji told you about me, but I heard a lot about you."
"Me too... But I hope that whatever you heard about me is good stuff..." I have heard a lot about Hanzo, but Genji has never told me his name.

Hanzo didn't look like those photos Sombra showed me, well it did look like him but those photos were not updated. This Hanzo was a lot hotter...

I could feel my face heat up and that only thing I could think was 'I slept with him in my dream.'

"Something wrong, Cowman?" I swear to God that Hanzo was staring at my dick and back into my eyes.
"I... Sorry... Haven't we met somewhere before?"
"I don't think so..."
"Want me to buy you a drink?"
"Sure, why not?"

"Do you two want me to leave?" Genji asked, "course it's a bit weird to see my brother flirt with my best friend."
"You want him?" Hanzo asked his brother.
"Not like that. It was more because I saw an angel walk in."

We the same way as Genji did and saw Angela walk in.
"Well, if you would excuse me..." Genji said and stood up, "there is an angel I need you talk to..."

Both Hanzo and I walked over to one of the corners and sat down on the couch and started talking. Hanzo wasn't good with alcohol but he did like drinking. Well, it didn't take long, before Hanzo was drunk and so was I. But before I realize it, I was talking about last night.

"I have to tell you something and you will think it's weird."
"Try me..." Hanzo said with a smile.
"Well, I have a wet dream about you last night. Well, a younger you..."
"A younger me?"

"Yep... And it was hot... Like really hot..."
"Do you want to show me how hot it was?"
"Sure... Wait... What? Do you know what you're saying?"
"If I'm asking you to have sex with me? Then yes..."

I pull Hanzo into my lap and starts to kiss him and it was a very uncoordinated and rough kiss. My tongue almost asked for permission to enter his mouth, Hanzo just let my tongue slide into his mouth.

Hanzo was the one to break the kiss.
"Let's go to my place..." Hanzo said with a smile.
"Okay..." Well, I didn't care where we're going to, I just wanted him.

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