Part 15 - Breakfast...

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Jesse's POV

We didn't go to Hanzo's place, but my apartment and we didn't have sex that night. Well, I did smash Hanzo against the wall and we did make-out, and we got into the bedroom without our clothes on, but when we got in bed we kinda just fall asleep.

In the morning, I look over at Hanzo, Who still was asleep, I couldn't help but smile. When Hanzo woke up, he stared at me for a moment. ''Morning...'' was all he said with a tired smile.

I kissed him on the cheek, ''Morning, beautiful... Slept well?''

He nodded, ''the best sleep that I had for a long time...''
''That's good to know... Do you want tea or coffee for breakfast?''
''Tea, if you have any...''
''Maybe... Sombra, my sister, has a weird habit by leaving stuff in my kitchen when she over...''

''Genji does the same thing...''

I got out of the bed and found our underwear on the floor, I put mine on and gave Hanzo his. I took a t-shirt and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen and found the tea. I started to make some breakfast, coffee and the water for the tea.

Hanzo stood in the doorway to my room, when the breakfast was almost done.

''I thought that you might be hungry ''I thought that you might be hungry

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''I thought that you might be hungry
''I thought that you might be hungry... So I made breakfast...'' Hanzo walked over to me.
''It's good to know that you can cook...''
''Is that a good thing?''
''Yeah... Where do you have the plates?''
''In that cupboard...'' I said as I point.

Hanzo took two plates out and place them on the table. I took a table cutter when the food was done and place it on the table while Hanzo took the coffee and over to the table.

''So Hanzo...'' I said as sip on my coffee, ''What's next?''
''Well,'' he gave me a smile, ''I could give you my number, so we can go on an actual date before we going bed if you want...''
''So I can have both your number and go on a date with you? I would love that.''
''Than you tell me more about that dream of yours...''

We sat there while I told him about my dream, I didn't tell him about all the sex or that I propose to him, and smiled at each other. After breakfast, I took the plates and put them in the sink.

''Jesse... So how did you know I was real?''
''I didn't know, I hoped... So I asked Sombra to look up your name... She probably knows more about you than yourself by now.'' He gave me a confused look. ''Sombra is probably the best hacker on the planet...''
''Right...'' Hanzo walked out to take his shoe on.

''So, about that date?''
''What's about it?''
''Where do you want to go?''
''Surprise me.''

''I can do that... Do you want a lift home?''
''Sure, It's raining outside anyway...''

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