Chapter 2 Park

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I'm in this cheap hotel room all because I feel like a fat person, Just sitting on this shit bed with a tub of ice cream

I'm honestly pathetic

I chuck away the poison (ice cream)

And chuck on my runners and some shorts and a black Nike t-shirt and iPod and plug my earphones in and go for a run.

20 minutes later

I end up at a park i go to when I'm upset, and sit on the bench and just cry my eyes out.

Worst anniversary all because of me.

Wow Elle .

You are pathetic.


I feel the bench move and look up to see the one and only

Harry Styles

I should take matters into my own hands.

"Harry i'm sorry I can't give you what you deserve/want.."

"Babe i-"

"Let me finnish,

You have been the best boy friend ever and I love you for that but you need a girl better then me"

" No babe I want you and only you I love you your MY beautiful girlfriend, you mean more to me then just sex! I meant to give you this"

He hands me a little box

I open it to find a promise ring with a infinity sign engraved

I put it on my finger.

"Oh Harry it's beautiful."

"Babe I want to be with you, no one else."

"Are you sure Harry?"

He leans over and pecks me and smiles

It's heart melts. I pull him over and kiss him harder for 6 seconds

He's shocked but the goes along

I Love him so much it hurts.

As corny as it is.


Remember this is for mature audience

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