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"I can't believe you did that!" I hissed, grabbing Adam by the arm and harshly pulling him into the cafeteria.

"A simple 'hey' would've sufficed but alright woman." He rolled his blue eyes and fixed his ashy blonde hair, not caring at all for what I was saying.

"Don't call me woman! You have no respect for girls, I can't believe you stood up that girl on a date because you got a last minute booty call and couldn't keep the little one in your pants much longer!"

"Hey, don't you dare bring little Adam into this! The girls want what the girls want" Adam replied with a huge smirk on his face, as he turned to the side and winked at some desperate junior. I so badly wanted to slap that look off his face. Typical Adam, never taking anything seriously. However, I resorted to whacking his arm to get out my anger instead.

"Jesus! I didn't even do anything wrong! I got laid, so I'm just chilling right now." Adam proceeded to sit down and prop his feet up on our lunch table, crossing his arms behind his head.

"Ew we eat here, get off, you pig," pushing his legs off I stuck my finger in his face, "and alright, you don't want to talk right now. But just remember, I haven't forgotten about your careless manwhore antics and won't talk to you until YOU apologize." I was so sick of him being so irresponsible and reckless when dealing with his little fangirls. Sure, he messed up so you would think that since it's his problem, he'll fix it. Nope, he never gives those poor heartbroken girls a second look, let alone a second chance, so I have to come in every time and say sorry for his dumb ass before any of them take any serious steps in ruining his life or taking revenge. What can I say, I care about this idiot, a little too much as well. But right now, I was fuming; I was not about to fix this problem for him again just like I fix all the others.

"Yeah, yeah empty threats, got it, see ya." He stuck his earbuds in and put up his feet again, making me want to slit his throat at that very moment. Seething, I stomped out of the cafeteria in search of someone to release my anger too.

Knowing who would be at lunch everyday was almost unpredictable; everyone in the group was always busy with club meetings or projects to work on. I thought about who would be free today as I stood at my locker. Hazel texted me that she had a meeting with the Science national honors society, Yasmeen was in detention, probably for never shutting up in class, and Zarah told me this morning that she had to work on a makeup assignment for AP Bio since she missed the first two weeks of school because her and Yasmeen were on vacation. Although they went together and probably missed the same amount of work, Yasmeen didn't care about making up anything and probably hadn't even thought of talking to her teachers yet. Typical Yaz. I chuckled to myself as I opened my locker and exchanged my binders for ones I would need for my afternoon classes.

Suddenly it dawned on me, Miles was going to be in the library to complete some assignment that would probably be due in like a month but if he's alone then I could totally join him. I grabbed my bag and headed towards the library. I spotted his familiar chocolate brown hair in the far left corner of the library, sitting on one of the couches by himself, no doubt getting work done. He had earbuds in and didn't see me standing near him so I plopped down really hard and took a seat next to him, making him flinch and drop his pencil on the ground. The adorable confused/alarmed expression on his face made me reach up and fluff his hair as I laughed.

"Oh Miles, you are too cute."

As his cheeks turned a slight pink color, he swatted my hand away and fixed his hair. "What do you want Lai, why aren't you at lunch with Adam?"

"He's being a class A douchebag as usual so I decided to leave and come join my favorite nerd in his natural habitat."

"Just because I actually want to get good grades so I don't end up dead doesn't mean I'm a nerd."

"Aaaand remind me again how getting average or below grades results in death?"

Huffing in frustration and setting his textbook down, Miles began his word vomit, "Because, if I don't get good grades, I won't get accepted into college, if I don't go to college I won't get a professional degree, without a degree I won't be able to get a proper paying job. Without a job, I won't be able to afford a house or even food for myself. Without shelter and food I'll have to live on the side of the road near some forest or wooded area where I can live off leaves and berries. In the forest lie savage angry bears, foxes and coyotes. If I eat all their food, these animals will have no source of energy and will be left with only one option, eating me. According to my calculations, my life will only last less than a year before all of this happens and for this to happen with below average grades, stands a solid 86.4% chance."    

I stopped to process his words before I spoke again. "Okay well isn't there also a...," I paused to think, because math clearly isn't my best subject, "isn't there also a 14.6% chance that it won't happen?"

"13.6 actually and that is such a small chance. I'm not willing to put my grades at risk and even my life because of a small tiny chance that I won't die. I think you should start studying more too, Lai, you procrastinate so much it's almost unbearable to see. Haven't you ever heard of the saying 'kill the habit before it kills you'?"

I yawned, getting tired. There was still forty minutes left of lunch so I could manage to sneak in a quick nap before next class. Ugh, AP Gov. I definitely needed energy for that. Shifting so that my legs were crossed on the sofa and my head was laying on Miles' shoulder, I replied, "pretty sure that they say that for people who smoke, but whatever floats your boat. Sleeping floats mine so I hope you don't mind but I'm borrowing your shoulder for the rest of lunch."

I felt Miles shift uncomfortably from under me but I was too exhausted to care. He could deal with it for one day. And with that as my last thought, I fell into deep sleep, as images of Adam in just his boxers entered my dreams.


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