Chapter 1: The Time You Met The Gang

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Every since I was very little, I was never a patient person. At least not with people. You see, I like to move forward with my life and if there is an unfortunate circumstance that comes in the way of that, I can't do anything about it. However, when another human being comes in the way, I will not hesitate to unleash my vicious and aggressive side to get rid of them. This 'side' is also known as my alter ego, Lucy, which everyone had come up with because of how it sounds like the girl version of Lucifer...I hope you're catching on. Anyways, it was just one of those times where Lucy was starting to make an entrance and wasn't. about. to. go. back.

"What the hell do you mean we have to wait another ten minutes?! Are you freaking kidding me? I clearly saw three empty spots in there, and look at that, me and my friends equal exactly three people! So I really don't get why you couldn't have just let us in instead of wasting our precious time standing here another ten minutes!" Yup Lucy was definitely back. I exhaled and rubbed my hand down my face in frustration. This lady better apologize or something before Lucy pulls out the big guns.

Like me, Miles and Yaz were freaking out, however their problem was a bit different than mine. Instead of worrying about the stupid bitch standing in front of me, they were concerned about Lucy's next moves. Understandable, I mean Lucy's motto was basically 'show no mercy' so I can see how they would be concerned.

"Look, I've already told you. You guys came too late to be put on with the other riders. If you had come a minute earlier I could've gotten you in there. There's nothing I can do now. You will have to wait."

Miles places his hands on my shoulders as I stuck my finger in her face. "Listen lady, I came to this fair to have a good fricking time with my favorite people after a long day of doing other crap. I also paid stupid $20 to buy tickets for this stupid ride. Now you are ruining what was supposed to be a good time because you won't let me on this stupid piece of shit. And the Hurricane? Really? How original of you to name your stupid ride after a bunch of other stupid rides in this world that already exist?" I finished, and took a step back to possibly try and collect myself.

Yaz leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "uh Hun, you might want to just let it go. You said stupid about five times, breaking your record of three last time. Wanna just leave and get some cotton candy-" I stepped forward again, cutting her off and surprising her.

"You know what? I'm not even mad anymore. No, I'm absolutely fricken bouncing off the walls boiling with frustration at what you did. You little skank twat, I tried being nice but now I'm just going to have to let it all out. You think I don't give a crap? No, I'm not like the normal people here, I'm not going to deal with this. You better stop that ride right now and let us on or so help me God, I am going to destroy  you." I seethed, dangerously close to her face as the dumb bitch's eyebrows flew up in what I'm guessing is shock and amazement.

"I just work here, if you need to talk to someone, I can call security, but I can't stop the ride, sorry."

"Sorry, my ass. You cum guzzling demon slut; You are definitely going to regret messing with me you hoe bag!" I took notice of her cheaply made witch costume "Oh and who are you supposed to be, Sabrina the teenage bitch?" I laughed, "Have a good night skittle tits, I pray to God that your eyebrows never grow back and that the chemicals you used to dye your hair that ridiculous shade of blue, make all your hair fall out." I scoffed at her shocked look. "What? Anyone can tell you drew on your brows, honey, it's almost as obvious as the Botox in your fish lips."

With that note, I flipped my hair in her face as I turned around and grabbed my friend's arms, leading them away from the ride and towards the parking lot. Miles pushed up his glasses with his other hand and gently pushed me off of him. I stopped in my tracks.

After a minute of silent glaring, I gave up. "Ugh Milo, you saw how that little bimbo was yapping at me. Acting all entitled and such. You both know that--," Both Yaz and Miles cut me off, finishing my sentence for me, "you hate privileged assholes with a burning passion because we didn't fight against the entitled British just to be hypocrites and turn into them."

Miles put an arm on my shoulder, and dipped his head, looking directly into my green eyes with his chocolatey dark brown ones, "Lai, we know. And we admire your fiery passion for setting wrong people straight, but we just came here tonight to have a good time. How about we just forget about all that and just focus on being together. It's our last year at the fair and we really just want to have fun." He let go of my shoulder and stepped back.

I turned and looked at Yaz. She nodded, smiling, "What say? Wanna go get some cotton candy? I'm against the whole foods-with-enough-sugar-to-give-you-type-2-diabetes thing, but I've been pretty good, no carbs and all lately, so I'll probably have some too." I smiled at her and hooked my arms in hers and Miles', dragging them back towards the fair eagerly. Yaz laughed and joined me, squealing in excitement, while Miles pulled his arm out and used his hand to fix his hair, in the weird swooping thing he does. I shook my head at him, laughing and reached out to mess it up even more, but before I could, a muscular arm snaked around my shoulder and pulled me close.

"What's up my bitches! I know your night has probably been a bit of a bore without Adam, the man of the hour!! So I am here to do you all a favor!" I smiled, and it only widened when I noticed Hazel and Zarah walking up to us, both with ice cream in their hands.

"H! Z! You guys came!!!" I ran up and stole Hazel's bubblegum cone, taking a big bite out of it, before giving it back.

"Wow, really feeling the love here, Lai," Adam spoke up, finishing his usual "bro" handshake hug thing with Miles.

"Oh Adzee-poo, you know I love you the most," I walked over, giving him a side hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, in more ways than one," Zarah remarked, making Hazel go into a coughing fit as Yaz raised her eyebrows teasingly and Miles quietly snickered.

Adam noticed none of that however, and instead took hold of my hand and looked into my eyes, making it difficult for me not to melt into a pile of goo, right then and there. "I'm sorry for earlier today, thanks for always having my back, Lai. I know you always fix my problems for me and I want you to know that I really do appreciate that. Do you forgive me?" he questioned, pure concern in his eyes.

I smiled, trying to cover the explosion of butterflies in my stomach, and ruffled his hair, resisting the urge to pull him close and place my lips on his full, inviting ones. "Of course I do. I forgive you, but that doesn't mean that I'm always gonna cover for you, moving forward."

The second part of my reply completely went through Adam's head and he started yelling, "Hell yeah!!!! The dream team is back!!!" while simultaneously fist-pumping the air and placing a quick kiss on my cheek. Hazel laughed and shoved the remainder of her ice cream into his face, quickly running away soon after, because she knew he was going to show her no mercy.

"Adam, wait!! Don't kill her! I need her for our AP bio project tomorrow!" Zarah went after the two lunatics, while Yaz followed, taking a video for her snapchat story and leaving me and Miles behind. I took a seat next to him on the bench he was sitting on and laid a head on his shoulder, watching our idiot friends chase each other as I did so.

He sighed, "we really are the craziest group of friends, aren't we?" I lifted my head.

"That's what makes us so much fun," I stood up, brushing off my pants, "you coming?" I nodded my head towards the freaks still running around and yelling.

"Hell yeah, I am." Before I could even process his words he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder with ease and started sprinting, with me smacking my fists against his back while laughing profusely.

It was true, we were all a bunch of weirdos, but that was what made us so unique.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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