Three Years

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*Three years after part 1*

"Sam, have I ever forgotten the pie? Exactly. Why would I forget it on Dean's birthday?" You blew a strand of hair from your face as you heard your brother laughing on the other end of the phone. You couldn't help but chuckle yourself. You were just grateful for the opportunity to relax. No hunts. No drama. Just you, your brothers and Cas enjoying an evening in the bunker. Even Ketch would be joining you. While he didn't always get along with your brothers, you considered him a friend. Especially now with Dr. Hess dead and Ketch acting like a normal human being for the most part.

"Just get home soon, okay?" You agreed and hung up the phone. Humming happily, you made your way to your car. You placed your bags in the back and made your way to the driver's door. "Y/N?" You froze on the spot. You'd recognize that voice anywhere even though the last time you heard it was three years before. Plastering on a smile, you turned toward the owner of the voice.

"Hey, Mick." You wanted to turn and run. To get as far away from him as possible, but you knew you couldn't. "It's been a long time." You nodded in agreement. "How have you been?" you asked, praying to Chuck that this awkward conversation wouldn't last long. "Good." You could tell that Mick was searching your face for any kind of emotion and you hoped your face revealed nothing about how upset you were.

In the three years since you left Mick, you'd been unable to get him out of your system. You'd loved him far too much. Still, you had to pretend you weren't affected by his presence now. After all, you weren't supposed to love him anymore. "And yourself?" You cleared your throat and nodded. "I'm alright. It's Dean's birthday so we're celebrating tonight." Mick opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a tall beauty stepping up next to him.

"Mick, who's this?" She linked her arm around his and you saw his jaw clench slightly. "Julia. This is Y/N. Y/N is..."he trailed off, unsure of what to say. You could tell he needed saving, so you offered, "An old hunting buddy." Mick gave you a grateful smile. "Yes. Y/N, this is Julia. My girlfriend." You felt your heart clench so hard you were certain it would break. Still, you kept that fake grin on your face and extended a hand. "Nice to meet you, Julia. Mick, it was good seeing you again. I need to get back. You should stop by if you get the chance. I'm sure the guys would love to see you." Mick nodded and lead Julia away.

You scrambled into the car, nearly slamming the door against the cold January air. Your whole body began trembling and your eyes welled up with tears. You took a shaky breath, determined to keep your sobs in until you were safe behind your closed bedroom door. You weren't even sure why you were crying in the first place. "This is your own fault, Winchester, " you thought to yourself. You quickly composed yourself and drove back to the bunker.

"Hey there, little sister," Dean greeted with a grin that you struggled to return. "Hey. Here's your pie. I'm gonna go start dinner." You missed the glance your brothers exchanged. They knew you better than anyone so they could tell something was off. However, they weren't the ones to go to your aide. To their surprise, it was Ketch.

You were chopping some vegetables for the salad when Ketch wandered into the kitchen. "You look like you've seen a ghost, Y/N." You sniffled slightly, trying to hide the tears that were finally falling. "I might as well have." Ketch frowned. "Mick." You nodded even though it wasn't a question. "Yeah. Mick. He was there with his statuesque girlfriend. I don't think she even knows what he does. Or rather what he did. I invited him tonight." Ketch arched a brow. "Well, that was rather stupid, wasn't it?" You scoffed. "No kidding."

A commotion from the war room caught your attention. "Must be him." You sighed, set down your knife and followed Ketch. As you suspected, Mick was standing with your brothers and Cas, a large smile on his face. His eyes landed on you and the smile shrunk, but grew softer instead. You returned it until you saw Julia by his side.

Clearing your throat, you said, "Glad you could make it, Mick. Nice to see you again Julia." You turned to Sam. "Would you mind finishing the salad? I need to go take care of something." Sam nodded and you turned on your heel to leave the room.

"Is she alright?" Mick asked and Dean shrugged. "I don't know. She's been acting weird since she got back from the store." Dean had no idea that Mick was the cause of it. Your brothers hadn't known the circumstances of why you and Mick weren't together anymore. They didn't know what you'd done to him. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but where is your powder room?" Julia asked. "I will show you," Cas offered and lead Julia to the nearest bathroom. As soon as Cas left her, Julia went in search of you.

You'd left your door open slightly and Julia heard you crying. She carefully knocked on the ajar door, causing you to jump and try to dry your eyes. When you turned to face her, your gaze hardened. "What?" She seemed unaffected by your glare and ventured further into the room. "I want to talk to you."


Meanwhile, the boys had all gathered in the library. "What did you do to our sister, Mick?" Mick's brows furrowed in confusion, so Dean continued, "She looks at you like you betrayed her." Mick's jaw dropped open. He couldn't believe you hadn't told your brothers and the angel what had happened. "I didn't, mate. She left me. Said she didn't love me anymore and left. I did what any normal man would do. I moved on. It's been three years. I'm sure she has too."

"You're wrong," Ketch butted in, making the other men look at him expectantly. "Y/N never moved on because she never stopped loving you. Useless emotion if you ask me, but there you have it." Mick shook his head in defiance. "That's not true. She told me-" Ketch cut him off again. "She told you exactly what I told her to. It was the only way. For the best." No sooner where the last words out of Ketch's mouth did Mick punch him square in the nose.

"What the hell, Mick?!" Sam cried, drawing attention from you and Julia. The two of you came running into the library to find Dean holding Mick back and Ketch with his hand to his now bloodied nose. "Is it true?! Did you lie to me?!" Mick cried, struggling to get out of your older brother's hold. "Does it matter? Like I told you. It was for the best." Mick brought his hands up to his face. "Stop saying that!" Julia gave you a look as if to say, "I told you so."

You ignored her and Mick instead choosing to turn your attention to Ketch's predicament. "Come on," you whispered, leading him from to the kitchen. "Don't get blood everywhere! I just cleaned in there!" Dean called after your retreating forms.

Once in the kitchen, you helped Ketch stop the bleeding. "Want to explain what that was about?" Ketch shrugged. "Just letting Mick in on a few facts. Apparently he didn't appreciate that." You chuckled humorlessly. "Clearly." After making sure his face was cleaned up and it was no longer bleeding, you check to see how badly Ketch's nose was broken.

"Well? What's the damage?" he asked. "Not too bad. Shouldn't take long for it to heal properly. Or I could have Cas come in and heal it now." Ketch laughed a little, but nodded. "I assure you, I've had worse. But I would much rather not have to deal with it." You took a step back to go get Castiel, but Ketch caught your wrist.

"You know, Mick made a good point. After three years, you think you would have moved on. Forgotten how much you'd cared for him." You shook your head. "I can't, Ketch. He meant way too much to me." Ketch stood and pulled you back to him. "Perhaps we can fix that." Without waiting for a reply, Ketch pressed his lips to yours, unaware of Mick making his way into the kitchen.

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