Give Her a Choice

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Mick rounded the corner and stopped short. He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. You were kissing Ketch and Mick saw red. In an instant, he was by your side, pulling Ketch off you. He raised his hand to punch Ketch again, but you cried, "Mick! Leave him alone!" Mick lowered his fist and gazed at you, his eyes full of hurt. "What the hell are you doing?" Ketch smirked, you frowned. "It's none of your business, Mick."

Mick recoiled as if he'd been slapped. "None of my business?" You nodded in response. "That's right. You have no right to interfere. You don't get to show up here with Little Miss Perfect then get mad at me or Ketch for anything. We aren't together anymore, Mick. I can kiss whoever I want." Mick scoffed. "And you want him? He's a madman."

"Ketch has changed. I've changed. So have you. Does Julia even know what you used to do?" Mick's silence was answer enough. "I thought so. Get out, Mick. Just go," you ordered, crossing your arms over your chest. "Fine." Without another word, Mick stormed off. You whirled on Ketch.

You poked him in the chest with your finger and growled, "As for you, if you ever do anything like that again without permission, I will punch you ten times as hard as Mick did." Ketch's smirk only deepened. "I don't seem to recall you trying to stop me, or push me away. Admit it. You wanted me to kiss you. Help you forget about Mick. I daresay you enjoyed it." You curled your hands into fists and glared at him.

"I won't be another one of your conquests," you told him, turning away, "You can get Cas to fix your nose yourself." With that, you stomped out of the kitchen. You returned to the library to find Mick and Julia gone. "Sorry, Dean. I guess your birthday was ruined," you said, feeling the tears well up as your voice cracked. Dean's arms wrapped around you. "It's only ruined if you start crying. What happened?" You pulled away from Dean, let out the breath you were holding, and told your brothers everything from leaving Mick to Ketch kissing you.

Later that night, Mick was sitting up in bed, unable to fall asleep. His tossing and turning prevented Julia from sleeping as well. Instead of peace and rest, there was uncomfortable silence. "You love her." Mick glanced over at Julia and nodded. "I did. Once." Julia chuckled softly. "You still do. I can tell by the way you looked at her that she wasn't just an old friend. She was definitely more."

"Exactly, she was more. That was a long time ago. It doesn't matter now. I'm with you and she's with Ketch," Mick explained, but even to him it sounded rehearsed. Julia frowned and replied, "That guy doesn't seem like her type. Besides, I know she still loves you. I can tell." Mick arched a brow. "By the way she looks at me, I suppose." Julia shook her head and bit her lip. "No. By the conversation I had with her. When I went to the loo. After Castiel left me, I went in search of her."


"What?" you snapped. Julia ignored your glare and came further into the room. "I want to talk to you." You sighed and motioned for her to have a seat. "You aren't just Mick's old hunting partner, are you? There is more to it. You were lovers, at the very least." You chuckled. "You're more observant than I thought." Julia shook her head and told you, "No. It is quite obvious, actually."

"What is it you want to know? Am I a threat to your relationship? No, I'm not. I want Mick to be happy...and safe. That's why I left." Your voice grew softer the more you spoke, as if the memory was causing you physical pain. "Mick isn't happy. Not really. He acts like it and he does it well, but I can tell and it's only become more obvious in the few moments we've spent with you. He still loves you." You rolled your eyes and scoffed. "Clearly you don't know Mick as well as you'd like to think. I broke his heart. He most likely feels betrayed, anger. Not love." Julia simply looked at you with a soft smile on her face. "We shall see." A loud commotion suddenly had both of you running toward the library.

*end flashback*

"Why would you do that, Julia? You know I love you. Why would you try and make something outta nothing with Y/N?" Mick asked, alarmed that Julia had been able to see past the mask he'd put on for her. "It's not nothing, Mick. You love her. You never stopped. And she loves you. It's not fair to any of us that you're here with me instead of there with her." There was no anger in her voice. There was pain and a little bit of sorrow, but no anger or resentment. "What do you want me to do?" Julia placed a hand on his shoulder. "Get dressed and go to her. Let her know she has a choice."

Mick didn't need to be told twice. He was on his feet in a second and changing into his clothes. Not ten minutes later, Mick was speeding down the road toward the bunker. The road seemed to stretch on forever as all the possible scenarios flashed through Mick's head. You could slam the door in his face, you could tell him you'd rather be with Ketch and he wouldn't blame you after the way he'd acted, or you could accept his apology. You could take him back and love him again. He would find out soon enough.

Mick had barely shut the car off when he was scurrying out of it. He pounded on the door, praying it would be you answering the door. It wasn't. It was Ketch. "Well, look what the cat dragged in. Come to have another go?" Mick shook his head. "No. Is Y/N awake? I need to talk to her." Ketch smirked and moved aside. You were standing in the War Room with your brothers. You were looking up at him with tired, red eyes while your brothers glared at him sleepily. It was obvious you had all been sleeping.

"Make it quick, Mick," you snapped. "Alone, please." Sighing loudly, you gestured for Mick to follow you. Once you were alone, you spun on him. "What is so important it couldn't wait until daylight?" You crossed your arms and waited impatiently for his answer. "I am so sorry, Y/N. I never should have acted the way I did tonight. You were right. I have no right to come between you and Ketch. I had Julia and I should have been happy. I should have been happy for you."

He stopped to gauge your reaction, but you hadn't changed expressions so he continued, "But I couldn't. Ketch told me that you didn't want to leave me. That he made you. I thought there was still hope. So when I saw you with Ketch...I couldn't control it. I never stopped loving you and the thought of you loving Ketch was too much. Julia told me I wasn't be fair. Not to her, or you, or even myself. So, she broke it off and I drove straight here. To tell you that Ketch isn't your only choice. I'm here. Still loving you."

When he finished, Mick waited for you to say something. Anything. You had been silent the whole time. You were looking down at the ground. "Y/N?" Mick said after a moment. You looked up at him and he finally saw the tears rolling down your cheeks. "I'm not with Ketch." Mick's jaw dropped. "Y-You're not?" You shook your head. "I never was." Mick pulled you to him.

Through your tears, you breathed in his scent. It was still so soothing even after all these years. You wrapped your arms around him, reveling in the familiar feeling. "I love you, Mick. I really do. I didn't want to leave. I did it to protect you." He kissed your forehead. "I know, love. I love you too." The two of you stood there in each other's arms, unaware of the three sets of eyes watching from the doorway. Your brothers wore smiles on their faces while Ketch grimaced. 

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