Chapter 11: Every Last Bits

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     This feeling is a bit too familiar... No it c-can't be... Noo... Im-Impossible... H-how?!
      The DEMON KING?!
"Oh, what are you babbling about giantess?" I said whilst chuckling.

I walked slowly towards the giantess with a murderous face. While the giantess is shaking in fear someone suddenly showed up and said.
"So I was right, you ARE the Demon King!"

I was shocked, I didn't even sense him. This strange power within him that I can't seem to get contact of his aura. I should've sensed him from this distance.

I got distracted and unconciously letting my guard down. The giantess ran towards me with a raging ball of energy.

"LIGHT ENCOUNTER: EROSION CHAINS!" chanted the giantess.

[Erosion chains]: extends various chains whirling around you, the chains draws surrounding enemies in to it, damaging them and healing you at the same time. (This can only be used by the giant clan).

I got tied up by his chains, I couldn't move. These chains were enchanted by a King's mana. In my current state I knew I couldn't break the chains.

Then two blades came right in front of me, cutting the chains off me. The boy who had appeared, the boy who even I can't sense.

HE saved me; Daike Roku, I knew it was a familiar figure. 

"Are you alright?" He ask.

"Yeah I'm fine"I replied.

After standing up we decided to work together to defeat the boss. It was strange for me, I didn't know how to work as a team and yet I couldn't refuse. Working together on defeating a single target, it didn't occur to me that this will ever happen in my life since I was always alone .

I once thought that being attached to others is my weakness as well as making a bond with them, so I isolated myself from "people". This has never happened before going to highschool.

"This is exciting..." I unconsciously whispered to myself whilst grinning.

"What?" He ask as he was confused.

"Nothing.." I replied.

"Okay then, let's defeat this boss! TOGETHER!" he said enthusiastically.

We continued on our battle and eventually we won. 
(Random Reader: Woah that was fast!)

Almost everyone have completed both exams. As for us we only completed 1 exam and that is the 2nd. We rushed to a dungeon floor to raid it, we can't find any easy ones. We searched for the harder ones and... We got lucky.

There was only one floor left unoccupied, the middle floor. We rushed in and tried to finish it and we did but there was a twist on the last part of the dungeon, It was an illusion.

The middle floor was an illusion. After the illusion fades out, there was a strange yet powerful figure.

"A BOSS?!" We shouted in confusion.

"B-but how?! Why?!" He said worriedly.

"Calm down we still need to defeat this one or we'll be dead meat.." I said.

"Y-your right..." He said while slowly calming himself down.

We desperately tried to defeat the boss and we somehow won again. After defeating the dungeon boss, we then tried to find a floor that is unoccupied.

We were the only ones that are left that didn't finish the dungeon...


"TIMES UP!" A voice shouted.

"Wait what??! There was a time limit?!" Roku shouted in confusion.

"Come to think of it, the president didn't say a thing about it." I said, confused as well.

The dungeon is closing in.


Vice-President: Wait you didn't say that there was a time limit!

President: Oh really? I thought I announced it as well... Oops my bad -_-'


"So now we will gladly announce that EVERYONE PASSED!!" The president said.

(What? Their not happy?); the president's thoughts.

"President why everyone two students failed the first exam!"

"Yeah president why?"

As they said that Roku looked down and got embarrassed.

"No you're wrong, since they both defeated two dungeon bosses in a short amount of time they clearly passed the power output exam." The president said.

After hearing that somehow I felt a strange emotion, relief. Even though I already know that it is based on power output test and pass it with only completing one exam.

"So are we already friends or what?" Roku grinning.

"Ahh.. Yeah" I replied.

"GREAT!" He shouted happily.

This comradeship that we have today doesn't last but somehow I want to collect those every last bits of friendship to form a great bond of contact.

Okay imma stop right there.
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And follow for more. Not forcing you to follow but ahh I mean if you want to then don't hesitate.

Ahh I'm tired so..
>>Hikari OUT<<

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