Chapter 6

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This Chapter is dedicated to the one person who said my story was good u should check her story out too its called Trapped- One Direction (boyxboy) Its pretty good :))))

Liams POV

Its been hours since I came home and I still haven't received any call from Zayn. I tried calling him but his phone always went to voice mail. I'm getting really worried. hes never went out without telling me before. Well maybe he left a note or something. I quickly rush upstairs to our bed room and search for a note of any kind. But no luck! Then I go into the kitchen maybe its on the fridge and my guess is correct because I find a yellow note on the fridge. I sigh with relief and take the note.

Went to the carnival.

That's it? no  "I love you" or "x" ? Never the less I take my coat and go out in the car. Maybe my husband will be happy to see me.

Zayns POV

Niall and I spent the whole day in the carnival with Harry and Louis and we had a lot of fun. Now I am sitting on a bench with Harry, Louis took Niall with him because he wanted to win Niall a big Teddy Bear. Both of us sat in silence until Harry spoke up.

"Zayn? You've been awfully quite this evening, is something wrong?"

I sigh I knew I couldn't hide the fact that I've been crying on the inside because Liam has been ignoring me.

"I don't know what to do Harry." My voice cracked as it reached the end

"What do you mean?" he spoke softly. I looked up at him and said "He has been ignoring me since last night." I think he figured out who I was talking about because his eyes were now full of concern.

"Its my fault right? I knew he didn't like me and I should've kept my distance." He said and that made me feel guilty immediately because Harry is my friend and I don't want him to think that hes the one causing all this.

"No Hazz its not your fault." I placed my hand on his and looked him in the eyes. I noticed that the green in his eyes was pretty soothing and I don't know why but I felt same somehow.

"Am I interrupting something" An all too familiar yet bitter voice called out from behind and I immediately placed my hand away from Harrys and we both got up and turned around. There stood a furious looking Liam. I gulped, I knew I was in trouble.

Liam walked towards me, took a hold of my wrist and yanked me towards him, a little too harshly.

"We are leaving right now! Where is Niall?" He yelled and I could feel the anger. I was scared really scared, I couldn't even form a proper reply. Thankfully Louis came back moments later with a happy Niall playing with his new teddy. When he saw Liam his face lit up and he raised his arms gesturing Liam to take him from Louis. Liam took Niall in one hand and dragged me along with his other. Harry gave me a sad smile that I returned. Louis just stood there confused and I swear I heard a "what the hell was that?" from him when we were far ahead.

The drive home was tensed and silent. Niall was in the back, sleeping with his thumb in his mouth. I didn't have the power to speak at all. When we arrived home Liam took Niall into his room and tucked him in. I went to the living room and sat on the couch with my head in my hands. It felt like my head would explode any moment. Liam walked in and immediately started yelling.

"What is wrong with you?!"

"I-I Li-iam I-" I spluttered due to the fear.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was ?" He exclaimed

"I left a note." I said suddenly gaining confidence.

"Why did you even go to him when you know how much I dislike him!" he shouted

"I was sad, you were ignoring me! He was the one who called and invited all of us over, but apparently you were too busy for me and Niall, doing god knows what! So I decided to go! because our son was not happy when he didn't find you here!" I yelled back at him. I saw his expressions soften.

"You're right, I'm sorry I over reacted. I just-" He didn't finish his sentence he just sat down on the couch and I sat down with his.

"Liam if you don't like it then I wont see Harry again." I spoke, even though I don't like this decision but Liam is worth it.

"Really?" he said surprised and his eyes sparkled with happiness..

"Yes." I answered and he immediately smashed our lips together. I kissed back with the same force because God! I missed those lips. We parted and smiled at each other. He suddenly got up and went into the kitchen, he returned with a box of heart shaped chocolates and a bouquet of white roses.

"Whats this ?" I ask while getting up.

"I got these in the morning I wanted to say sorry for ignoring you." He said and handed me the roses.

"Liam these are beautiful ! I love you." I say as I smell the roses. He takes my hand in his and says "I'm glad you like them, but I love you more."  I smile "Impossible babe!" and we head into our room.

I have been awake for quite a while, I cant sleep and I have no idea why. I keep fiddling with my ring that Liam gave to me when he proposed. Just the thought of it makes me smile and takes me back to that day.


"Liam!" I say for the tenth time. We are currently in the car and Liam wont tell me where we are going. He says its a surprise.

"Zayn I told you be patient!" Liam said. "And we're here!" he exclaimed.

"Finally!!!!!!!!!" I get out of the car and see that we are on a lake view area and its really beautiful.

"So Zayn we are here for boating!" Liam claps his hands.

"Boating?" I repeat

"Yes silly now lets goooo." He says and drags me towards the boat.

The boat is not automatic that means we have to paddle all the way. its quite small and only two people can fit in it at a time. After an hour or so we finally stop and just admire the view. We talk for a bit but the suddenly Liam points to something behind my back and says

"Oh Zayn look over there." I turn back to see nothing.

"Liam what theres noth-" I don't finish my sentence because when I turn back Liam has a purple velvet box opened in his hands with the most beautiful ring inside. I gasp and look at him in shock. He just smiles and then speaks

"Zayn I know that we haven't known each other for long, but I know that one thing is sure, Your the one Zayn. I want to spend my life with you, every minute of the day until I die. So what do you say Zayn Will you marry me?"

I don't waste any time and engulf him into a screaming "Yes! Yes! a million times yes!" When we pull apart Liam puts the ring on my finger and cups my face.

"I love you Zayn"

"I love you too Liam!"


I think that I am about to sleep and just as I close my eyes, Niall starts crying in the other room. I sigh getting up from my bed and going to my son, to see whats wrong.


So that was Chap 6 ^_^

I hope you liked it. I think its was eventful and now we finally know how Liam proposed !!! AW!!!!! I think it was cute what are your thoughts ????


<<<I LOVE YOU>>>


Fatibear <3 xx


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