The Morning Lies

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"Good morning PJ," Dan said to his friend in a happy tone as he walked down to the lounge, trying to hide Phil's inspired erection. 

"Hey, Dan," PJ replied, "it's a little early to be up in the morning, isn't it? I better be off soon to go to my place, I have a dentist appointment I have to get to."

"Mmm." Dan hummed in reply standing behind the kitchen counter trying to hide his everlasting, even though it did no good since he was eight freakin feet tall. 

"You know, if it weren't for your alarm I could have slept until noon!" 

"I wish I could have, don't know why I have that damn thing set anyway."

"By the way, wheres Phil? Not to be weird or anything but he wasn't in his bedroom."

Dan turned to make some tea, "I'm pretty sure he went to the grocery store. It's his turn anyway and he likes to go early in the morning." Lies. All lies. But Dan and Phil had to, PJ and Chris were super straight. They would never understand, would they?

PJ agreed even though spotting Phils travel goodies; Tube card, keys, wallet.

"Anyway, I best be off. Maybe all four of us could grab a drink tonight?" PJ asked. 

"Sure, text you later," Dan replied. 

When PJ left Dan was able to let go. Unitll. 

"Whats all the racket?" Chris stirred and checked his phone, "8:00!! Why is everybody up!" Dan's stomach tightened and felt grief pour into him. He loved his friends but hated this charade. "Well since I'm up, I'm up." Chris and Dan exchanged their morning greetings until Chris headed to the bathroom. 

As soon as the bathroom door closed, Phil swopped in and spooned Dan. Dan felt two different kinds of lightning; first was the surprise aspect, the second was how amazing it felt when Phil touched him. 

"I see you have on your own shirt, yet still my sweats." Dan grinned. 

"Shirt was necessary, pants well, I felt no need to replace them." Phil grinned back. 

The world stopped. It usually does whenever Dan and Phil look at each other. Chestnut brown looked into azure blue. Soon their appetite, their convulsion gave in. 

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