Matthew - New House

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I walked into my room and started putting my things into a bag. I felt a sharp pain in my eyes. I took off my sunglasses and started rubbing my eyes.

"Man... I really need to start remembering to put on my glasses..." I said to myself, "I always put them on when I do missions and when I spar with people... Why didn't I remember this time?"

"Maybe because you're getting old Matty..." I heard a voice say.

I turned around and saw Amy standing in the doorway.

"That's not a nice thing to say, Amy..." I said smiling, "I'm not even that old... I'm only 21!"

"Yeah, but you turn 22 in a couple months, Matty..." She said, walking towards me, "You're older than me too..."

I smiled. "I guess so..."

She hugged me. "I'm so happy we're finally moving in together... I've waited for 3 years now..."

"Oh yeah... It's been that long?" I asked, "I can't believe it... How did Jaxon last 3 years in a Japanese Prisoner of War Camp?"

"I guess he's stronger than you think..." she smiled, "The next step is marriage, then kids... Or kids then marriage..."

I smiled. "Already thinking about that?"

"Of course, girls can dream can't they?" she said, jumping on my bed.

"Girl sure can dream..." I smiled.

Should I propose? Should I wait? I thought I don't know! Why are girls so complicated? Why am I so complicated? I should wait, if I propose now she'll expect it...

"Matty, I'm gonna go home and start packing okay?" she told me.

"Oh yeah... Sure... See you tonight?" I asked.

She nodded and left.

I finished packing my stuff and walked out to the backyard. I saw Hunter and Jaxon practicing Kendo. Lance and my dad were just on the sideline watching. I walked up to Lance standing next to him.

"After they're done do you wanna have a go with me?" I asked him, "You pick things up pretty fast so it won't be that hard for you to learn."

"Sure, but it wouldn't be that fair since you already know kendo..." he said, "Jaxon also said you won many kendo matches..."

"Of course, I love kendo. But not more than sparring though. Sparring is fun," I said happily.

Lance smiled and continued to watch Jaxon and Hunter's match. In the end, Jaxon won, of course. If he didn't it would've been embarrassing. I grabbed my armor from our shed, Jaxon let Lance use his. I picked up the bamboo sword.

"Woah... This is lighter than I thought," I said, out loud, "I mean... It's lighter than what I remember..."

Lance laughed. "That's interesting that you said that. It's not that heavy on this end either..."

We started the match. I outwitted Lance many times and won again, of course, I'm me! We were gonna start another one, but Amy and Levi walked out to us.

Levi, of course, tackled me when I wasn't looking and Amy helped me up while kicking Levi. We joked around for a while before we had to go to dinner. Jaxon and I dressed in our military uniforms since it was a dinner party for coming back alive.

While walking to the car, my dad whispered to me. "Are you gonna propose?"

"Dad!" I whispered back, "I don't know... Maybe... I have the ring in my jacket, so... I might..."

"You should, she'll say yes for sure!" he said.

"Yeah, dude! She'll totally say yes!" Levi joined in, "And you do have my consent to marry my sister..."

I cleared my throat, slapping the back of Levi's head. "Thanks for the info, bro..." I said, "But I was gonna marry her even if you said no..."

Levi laughed. "Now that's the Matty I know! The Matty that blushes like crazy around embarrassing situations!"

I slapped Levi. "Cut it out! And sorry for slapping you..."

"It's fine broski!" He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "But on a serious note, I really think you should do it!"

I smiled. "Okay, I will..."

We all packed into the car and drove down to the fancy restaurant. We had a really big table for all of us, but once dessert came and gone, I was ready to propose. I brought Amy to a beautiful and romantic rose garden, we went to an open part with a mini pond.

"This is beautiful, Matty..." she said, "Super romantic too..."

I smiled. "Glad you like it..."

I got down on one knee. I saw tears form in Amy's eyes as we realized what I was doing.

"Amy Smith..." I started, "Will you marry me?"

She nodded, jumping on top of me. "Of course I will you retard!"

I smiled hugging her tightly.

"Wow... I get a bride and I also get cussed out the same time..." I said smiling, "Levi! Jaxon! Lance! You guys and come out from behind the tree now!"

Levi jumped out from behind the tree. Lance and Jaxon walked out holding hands. They all ran towards us.

"Congrats!" they all said.

"Man... Matty, control Jaxon, please! When we were behind the tree he and Lance were talking all smoochy like..." Levi said.

Lance smiled and Jaxon blushed. "Sorry, Levi!" Lance said.

Amy looked up at all of us. "It's a shame they don't let same-sex marriage happen... You two would both be amazing husbands..."

Jaxon blushed, even more, he looked like a tomato. We laughed it off as we walked back home.

The next day, I put all of my stuff inside a moving van and drove over to Amy and I's new house. It was really spacey, I had no idea how we afforded this, but we did. I guess my salary for being a military instructor paid off big time.

I hugged Amy. We're getting married in about a year since we barely had any more money from buying the house.

We're starting a new life. Together.


New life, new story? I'm not planning on a sequel for this... so sorry... There will be one last chapter... Let's just finish this... Ending this trilogy has been really sad for me...

- atran03

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