Matthew - The War is Over

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"Eagle! Stop moping and pack!" Kai said, "I know you don't want to go, but the war is over, we did our time in the Army... Heck! You did extra! But now we get to go home, and you get to see your brother! And Damon's boy, Matthew!"

I sat on my bed looking at the tent. "I guess..."

Kai sighed. "Would sparring make you feel better?"

I nodded excitedly. "Hai, onegaishimasu!" I yelled, "Yes please!"

We walked out to the training field. I tossed a rock in the air, and once it hit the ground we both moved in for an attack. He tried to kick me, but I slid under him trying to grab a rock. He kicked my hand and turned around.

"No, no, no..." he said, "I'm not gonna let you do that..."

I snickered. "Jakkasu..."

I charged towards Kai, trying to punch him., he dodged to the left, but I quickly pivoted and did a round-house kick to his stomach. Knocking him to the ground. He was winded by the fall so I went in for the finish.

Kai got up as I went to grab him. I felt a warm liquid trickle down my cheek. I added some distance between us and felt the side of my face. It was blood! I looked at Kai's hand, he was tossing a knife in the air.

"Seriously? You brought a knife to a fistfight?" I asked him.

"What? You have to have some kind of handicap to make this fair," he said laughing, "Don't worry, I didn't give you a deep cut."

"I'm not even that good that fist fights though!" I argued.

"You scored first in it, finishing 10 points ahead of me!" he said, "You're better than most people!"

"Fine... Let's continue!" I said, charging at him.

I was in the process of punching Kai when I heard a voice.

"Eagle! Kai! Stop playing around and finish packing! We'll be late because of you two!" Dalton yelled.

I smiled. "Sorry... Blame Kai!" I said, running back to my tent.

"Damn you, Eagle!" Kai said, "Don't put the blame on me!"

I turned around and stuck my tongue out. "Too bad! I already did!"

I ran into my tent in finally finished packing. I also brought along my rifle and the handgun that Damon gave me because Caleb allowed me to.

We went on a ship and headed back to America. I was a little happy, but mostly sad and anxious. It took a couple days to get there. Then, I had to take a train from the east coast to San Francisco. That also took almost a week.

When the train arrived at the station, I looked out the window and saw Jaxon waving at me. I automatically broke into tears. When the doors opened, I ran out and dropped my stuff on the ground-hugging Jaxon.

"I was so worried Jaxon!" I said, " I thought I'd never see you again."

"Yeah..." He said, "There were times that I thought I wouldn't make it..."

I pushed Jaxon back looking at him. "You're so skinny now... Is that..." I asked whispering, looking at Lance, "Your boyfriend?"

Jaxon nodded blushing. I introduced myself to Lance.

"Did you tell dad yet?" I asked.

He shook his head. "You should... He'll understand, I promise!" I told him.

Jaxon took a deep breath and held Lance's hand pulling him towards our dad. I smiled, watching him being so awkward.

Amy walked up to me, pulling me into a hug. "You think, your dad will be fine about Jaxon being gay?" she asked.

The Eagle and Phoenix - Book 3 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now