This is Victoria, the human representation of my periods. She'll be helping us today/tonight/ whenever the fucking hell your reading this. Now, Victoria likes to be pampered. A lot. She likes massages and chocolate and all that jazz. But there's a problem. She has a temper. A big one. If you even breath wrong she goes apeshit. She will want to murder you and she has all the means to do so. This also mean she has an explosive sadness. Cute puppy? She cries. Food tastes good? She cries. Victoria also doesn't give a shit about how she looks, meaning sweats and old clothes 24/7. Has the most perverted thoughts
You see that? I ocfied the period. Let me break it down
Explosive Temper/Saddness: Mood swings
Perverted Thoughts: Hornyness
Sweats: That's all you'll wear
Chocolate: That's all you crave
Massages: Only thing that helps my cramps.
I Shall Feed Off Of Your Happiness
Acak"And you will starve." -Berkut, at some point in my self insert Random Book 12