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Hi everyone! This is my first fic in a very long time. Hope you guys will like the prologue! Comment and vote, tell me what you think so far! Look in the sidebar for a picture of Lara and Ansel's interconnecting houses. :) 


6 Years Ago -- September 2008

Lara walked through the classroom door, looking around at the faces of different students she'd never seen before. Each one was different, yet they were all there for the same reason: they longed to be on the stage, or on screen, or have their work featured in an exhibition -- they all wanted to do something in the arts. 

For as long as she could remember, Lara could always see herself on stage in a different city every night, hearing the crowd scream her name as she took one last bow, -- or standing on stage hand in hand with her costars, hearing the audience's applause as she completed yet another sold-out night of the Phantom of the Opera -- or delivering her Oscar acceptance speech as she thanked her costars and fellow colleagues -- it changed constantly, but it all led to one fact: she was destined to perform.

After countless sleepless nights and rigorous training, a ton of paperwork and recommendations to fill and a couple of nerve-wrecking interviews, she made it. When the letter first came, it was like a dream. She laughed, then cried, then laughed some more. Of course, her parents were naturally supportive and the whole thing was just beautiful. LaGuardia High School was where she belonged.

For a moment, her heart skipped a beat as she saw herself spending each day alone, friendless, just like she had been before in Trinity. Then her eye caught someone's from across the room -- someone she knew. Someone she knew all too well. She always saw him sitting with the pretty girls at Trinity, he was a part of 'the clique'. She couldn't come up with one reason why he'd move here -- except, of course, for the same one she did: she loved performing way too much.

He gave her a smile and gave her a look, inviting her to take a seat next to him. As she walked over, she was almost certain that this was a joke. They almost never talked in Trinity, so why now? She put aside her negative thoughts as she sat beside her potentially new friend. 

"Hey. Lara Tamblyn, right?", the boy asked.

"Yeah. How do you know my name?"

"You've gone to Trinity just as long as I have, so I think I'd be rude not to know at least your name."

"You barely talk to me. Why talk now?", she remarked.

"Because,", he said with a smile, "I was caught up in my own social bubble in Trinity. Now, I don't have that restriction anymore."

"You know that your friends think I'm weird, right?"

"They think everybody's weird. Except themselves."

"Why were you friends with them?", she countered.

He didn't reply and instead gave a sad, albeit gorgeous, smile. 

"Trinity was last year. We're both in LaGuardia now, so why don't we enjoy it?", he said, "And by the way, my name's Ansel."

"I agree. And I know your name. It's nice to finally properly talk to you, Ansel.", Lara said with a smile.

5 Years Ago -- March 2009

"Don't be nervous, Tamblyn. You'll do great.", the brunette boy said to his friend sitting beside him in the school auditorium. End-of-the-year play auditions were going on, and there seemed to be a lot of tough competition.

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