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"not for breakfast, no way" the twins said as mike put a pot of food on the table and I leaned over to see it was vegetables and shrunk back in my seat not feeling hungry as johnny did the same next to me. "ugh not vegetables again" Tyler continued "I swear i'm turning into a carrot, look at my skin!" "that's felt pen you turnip" Johnny retorted as floss stated "I love vegetables" to which mike replied "good, cause those are for lunch and those are for tea" we all groaned our responses of various "no's" as he pointed to the vegetable at the counter. "it's you vegetable patch kids, waste not, want not." mike said as we groaned. "what are you doing?" he asked may-li "sharing our surplus. we can put them outside for the neighbours to take." she replied while sorting out the veg. As i saw Jody and Tyler look at each other slyly, i smirked knowing that they had a scam, me, Rick and Liam taught them well.

i was in the garden with johnny at the vegetable patch and Ryan was putting the washing out when i heard people shouting and suddenly a dog appeared with bailey after it. "oi grab him" bailey shouted as Ryan backed away not responding as the dog growled "what? are you scared of a dog?" bailey shouted as Ryan chucked a pair of boxers at the dog and may-li appeared. "oi they're mine!" johnny shouted at Ryan as i started laughing as may- li asked "what is that animal doing here?" as i tried to suppress my giggles. "ask bailey" johnny snapped as we both went back to the vegetable patch with me still chuckling slightly. "loo-rolls, bin bags, scourers" may-li listed "i do not remember putting dog on that shopping list" she shouted at bailey. They soon went inside and i took that as my cue to laugh louder about the fact that Ryan chucked johnny's boxers at the dog. johnny turned to me "you think that's funny do you?" i shook my head but continued laughing being unable to stop as i had suppressed it for so long. "right come here!" johnny laughed as he chased me around the garden making me laugh more as Ryan watched. i stopped to catch my breath. bad idea. Johnny's arms came into contact with my waist picking me up and spinning me round while Ryan went inside. "apologise" johnny demanded while tickling me "n-never" i chocked out between giggles. he smiled getting closer, our lips almost touching when suddenly we hear shouting from inside making us pull away. his smile faltered slightly and i saw disappointment in his eyes. "come on" i said taking his hand in mine and lacing our fingers together, whilst dragging him inside to see whats going on.

"do you know what? i had no idea Bailey even liked dogs" Mike said to may-li. "well it doesn't matter because were not keeping him okay?" may-li replied "why not?" bailey asked walking in "i told this bloke i'd try and find him a home" "which bloke?" mike asked "his owner died. he was going to some dogs home" bailey replied as Ryan walked in "do you know what? you're going to have to tell that bloke that it's not your problem" mike told him "uh you were gonna let frank keep shadow" tee spoke up from behind johnny who was sat next to me on the stools. "yeah at least this ones got the right number of legs." johnny added "we'll look at all the options" mike said as everyone went quiet "what options are those?" may-li asked looking at mike who didn't reply as she went to put more washing in the machine.

i was in the kitchen with bailey, johnny and kazima as mike asked "johnny?" while bailey spoke up saying "aw this is disgusting!" whilst getting food for mischief "he's gotta eat while he's here" mike retorted "you can call it his last supper" may-li joked as mike chuckles. when suddenly we heard a scream "Carmen" johnny and i said looking at each other as we all raced upstairs to see what had happened "get him out!" she shouted as kazima made it to the bedroom shortly followed by may-li, mike and the rest of us. "he hasn't touched my stuff" kazima said "really i wonder why?" Carmen snapped obviously annoyed as bailey went to get mischief by his collar. "bailey, i told you to lock him in your room" mike said as we all stood by the door way looking in with me looking over tees shoulders as johnny leans on mine and does the same. "i did!" bailey snaps back "trust bailey to get a psycho dog" Ryan said to nobody in particular "no, bailey, i'm sorry but he is going to have to go to the dogs home today" mike said clearly worrying about the cost of the damage rather than the actual dog. "did you hear me?" mike asks angrily as bailey storms past giving a "hm" in reply.

"that things a menace" johnny said while i just looked at him "hey, quiet down. go get a hoover." mike said "come on guys lets get in there and clean it up" he finished. "what?" johnny said when he realised i was staring at him "really johnny? a menace? it's a frickin dog not a criminal" i retorted as i walked away towards my room as he stayed to help tidy Carmen and kazima's room.

I went to get a drink and as i looked out the window by the sink i saw that bailey was outside trying to train mischief. i smiled knowing how hard he was trying.

I was playing pool with tee and johnny when we suddenly stopped to see bailey on the computer looking up dog training. johnny nudged me and tee as he made a howling noise towards bailey making him turn to look at us.  

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