The Next Day

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after may-li came in to 'wake me up' i got dressed (picture above) then wandered over to johnny's room and just walked in as i knew mo wasn't going to be back till later this afternoon. "what are yo-" johnny shouted as he turned around to realise it was just me he let out a sigh or relief and quickly got up to close the door pinning me against it in the process. he kissed my lips the pulled away and went to sit on his bed gesturing for me to follow. "you look hot in that you know?" he whispered seductively in my ear as i sat down too "oh do i?" i questioned smirking he nodded "and nice ass by the way" i snapped my head up quickly looking him in the eye  "saw it last night" he winked as i just looked at him "what?" he questioned innocently "nothing just surprised you had time to notice that with everything else going on" i shrugged back "oh you mean the se-" i covered his mouth with my hand laughing as he went to finish the sentence. i removed my hand and he laughed too "so what does it mean?" he asked "what the se-" it was his turn to cover my mouth with his hand whilst shaking his head " okay i'm guessing this means were dating" i nodded slowly "hmm if that's your way of asking me out i'm leaving now" i said as i stood up going along with what I said "wait wait wait" he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me into his lap "yes johnny?" i asked he smiled sheepishly "will you go out with me?" he asked "hmm?" i said giving him a cute look  "you're lucky you're cute" he smiled wider if that was even possible and quickly pecked my lips.

i smiled and looked up at him as he kissed me roughly lifting me up so i was straddling his waist as we kissed. we continued to make out for another few minutes when suddenly "johnny do you fancy a game of-" Ryan stopped speaking as he looked up to realise that i was on johnny's lap and we were kissing "i knew you two were a thing" he exclaimed as he shut the door coming further into the room as i got up from johnny's lap and sat on the bed next to him as Ryan started talking "who else knows?" he asked "no one" johnny and i said at the same time "wait so how long have you been going out?" "since"i looked at johnny and he looked at me "last night" johnny said then realised that Ryan would be able to guess what happened "fuck" we both whispered at the same time "it seems you already have" Ryan said chuckling to himself "oi" johnny snapped but before he could continue i had started laughing too "hey your meant to be on my side" johnny said. i shrugged "i am but you gotta admit that was quite funny" he laughed quietly before turning to Ryan "what were you saying before you so rudely interrupted us?" johnny asked "i was gonna ask you if you wanted a game of pool but it looks like you've got other things to do" i smirked and said "literally" looking johnny dead in the eye "stoooop" he whined "that's what she said"Ryan replied "don't you start as well or you wont get that game of pool" johnny said as we all made our way downstairs for breakfast.

i was sat between Ryan and johnny with tee on johnny's other side. under the table johnny had intertwined our legs and taken my hand so he could hold it through out breakfast. we were just about to start breakfast when the doorbell rang and may-li went to answer it "you cant just walk in" may-li shouted as "jay" i looked up to see maria who is now a police officer "yeah?" i asked "you got a text off any of them" i nodded "yeah something about James finding a bo-" i stopped mid-sentence "that's why your here isn't it? its him" i said quietly as a tear trickled down my cheek "i'm so sorry jay" maria said as she walked towards me "i have to do this" she took my hand out of johnny's and placed it in hers as she helped me to my feet and i let my tears flow freely "i'm going to have to take you down the station to be interrogated" i nodded not saying a word "i'll come with you" mike said grabbing his jacket still not fully understanding the situation "can i come?" johnny asked and i looked at maria she nodded "okay but no one else yeah" mike and johnny both nodded. mike got into the passenger seat as i got into the back with johnny resting my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me and maria got into the drivers seat and took us to the station.

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