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***20 minutes later***

i was sat in an interrogation room. i knew maria, mike and johnny were the other side of the mirror glass and i couldn't help but wonder where Eli my older brother was and how he had taken it. "does he know?" i asked officer summers "if your referring to your older brother yes he is aware of Caleb's passing" i looked down tears threatening to spill "okay i now how you must feel having to do this after finding out and it seems like were accusing you but its in our best interest to find his killer so, when did you last see Caleb" "cal" i said "what?" he replied "he hated it when people called him Caleb" he looked at me suspiciously "why was that" i looked him dead in the eye "only he calls us by our full names" "what would you like me to call you? Emilia? jay? Emma?" "Emmy" i interrupted him. he nodded "okay Emmy i need you to answer the question for me please" he asked kindly i nodded "Thursday night" "i'm guessing it was a group event as everybody seems to be saying Thursday night" "yeah it was we were all there" "where exactly is there?" he asked "the farm"

when we were done i went to go and speak to the others and turned my back on mike johnny maria and the other officer.

***johnny's p.o.v***

"do you trust them?" the officer asked maria i think it is "no" she replied as me and mike looked at her with confusion across our faces "what about the kid?" he asked again "trust her?" he motioned to jay who i'm now going to call Emmy cause its cute and suites her more than jay "with my life" maria responded confidently and walked away.

Johnny TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now