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***two days later***

so today is the day bailey gets to prove mischief can be good. we all walked into the garden and me being the last one out because i was in my room had nowhere to sit. i looked around for another chair but there wasn't one "come on then hurry up" johnny said to bailey "wait let me put his collar on" bailey replied as johnny looked around and spotted me standing. he smiled at me and i smiled back. he then made a come here gesture with his hand so i walked over to him "wha-" i asked but was cut off as he pulled me into his lap whilst getting comfortable. i smiled and leaned back into his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "hurry up! hurry up!" we all started chanting even mike and may-li. bailey gave the twins the thumbs up and they did it back and the dog show began. everybody cheered as mischief did tricks with bailey leading him. we carried on cheering and clapping "mischief! mischief!" we all started chanting as mike put his hand on his knee and mischief lent on him "we haven't promised anything" may-li said looking at mike "aw, please" he replied in a childish manner "look at him, oh you're such a good boy!oh" he said as he lent down and mischief licked his face.

***the next day***

i woke up and went downstairs to find out that mischief was missing. tee and i put a poster on a missing dog website only to get a hit. "go" we told bailey as he ran out the door to find him.


the phone started ringing. "mischief has been hit by a car" mike shouted running out the front door as we all came running downstairs.


the front door opened to reveal mike and bailey "hows mischief?" tee and i asked at the same time "not now" mike said so i went to the living room where johnny and Ryan were playing pool. when bailey walked in and over to us with what looked like mischief's collar "mischief didn't escape" he stated as the boys stopped playing and we all moved closer. "Someone took this off" he said holding up the collar "what you on about?" johnny asked moving closer to get a look "his collar" bailey stated holding up the collar to show it had been cut "who let him out the shed?" he continued looking at Ryan accusingly. "must of been itching on a pair of scissors or something" Ryan replied "i never said it was cut" bailey said suspiciously as mike walked in and asked "whats up?".

"it was you" bailey said glaring at Ryan "what?" mike asked "because you were scared of him" bailey continued then lunged at Ryan. "no!" mike shouted stopping him "no,no,no" he repeated . we all turned to may-li as she ran in "mike the police just called back" "right, out" mike ordered bailey "out,out,out" he repeated the same way he said no whilst ushering bailey out the door.

we all stood in shock whilst turning to Ryan when johnny spoke up "you got rid of baileys dog?" he asked as Ryan stood leaning on the pool table almost smiling "that's harsh" johnny finished as he walked around the pool table away from Ryan dragging me with him.

i was playing pool with johnny when i hear Carmen say "aw. that's cute" and turned to see what they were doing when floss replied "its you" "aw, floss thanks" Carmen said "10p please " floss asked putting her hand out as Carmen held the carved vegetable "there we go" she said giving floss the 10p. As floss walked out Ryan walked in and over to johnny who was stood at the opposite end of the pool table to me "hey big man. who we playing?" Ryan asked as i went to sit next to Carmen johnny following also silent "mature . i get it." Ryan said in response to us ignoring him. "uh mature isn't hurting an innocent animal" Carmen continued "if you were just scared why didn't you say?" she asked as i snickered. "read my lips" Ryan said "i. wasn't scared." he said annoyed as tee came over and read out a newspaper article.

"locals were saddened this week at the death of the homeless Malcolm Malone" i leaned over johnny "let me see?" she tilted the paper "that's mischief" i stated "mh-hm" tee replied "who's that?" johnny asked pointing to the man next to mischief in the picture "Malcolm" tee started "when he was in the army. he never settled back into normal life. " "maybe mischief was an army dog or something?" Carmen suggested "now we've given up on him" johnny said "letting him die" i finished for johnny as he laced our fingers together and we all looked at each other. "i have an idea" i spoke up.


i told the others my idea and we all put some money in a bag and johnny grabbed my arm dragging me into the kitchen with him "listen up guys" i said and let johnny explain "we're collecting for mischief's vet bill" to which floss responded by holding up veg and saying "50p please" johnny looked at her confused so i nudged him to respond "are you not supposed to give me money?" he asked to which she smartly responded "well if you pay me i'll give you it back" "All right" johnny said reaching in his pocket for 50p and handing it to her as tee and Carmen walk in "thank you, there you go" floss said talking the 50p handing johnny the vegetable version of him then putting the 50p in the bag as tee said "30 quid" and put it in the bag.

"this is peanuts" Ryan spoke up "if you want to make decent money, you need a good plan" "like you care" i snapped at him as johnny squeezed my hand "yeah it was your fault he got ran over in the first place" tee said "fine" Ryan started "i was only trying to help. keep the money for myself." "wait wait, what money?" johnny asked. "if you cant see it, i'm not going to say." Ryan replied


so here we are selling fresh vegetable soup to people in town. "two quid a cup you're not going to get any better than that" Ryan said as johnny handed him the cup and passed me the money to put in the pot as kazima gave homeless people free soup as they needed it. "don't give it all away kaz, remember, we're collecting for mischief" johnny reminded her. "did you know him?" i heard Ryan ask the man sat on the bench i smiled and carried on serving people.

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