¤ C H A P T E R 1 ¤

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December 20, 2017
Mountain View High School
Orlando, Florida
7:45 A.M.


With a handful of textbooks, I nervously made my way through the crowded hallway, using my white cane to guide myself, pacing and counting my steps

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With a handful of textbooks, I nervously made my way through the crowded hallway, using my white cane to guide myself, pacing and counting my steps. Although I couldn't see, I could feel all of their eyes on me. Everyone always stared at me as if I was some kind of endangered species.

"Watch out y'all make room for the bat." I heard a male voice say, followed by his obnoxious laughter, along with a few others.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I attempted to make my way past him and all of the others, but they were blocking my way...purposely.

"E-Excuse me." I mumbled, but loud enough for them to hear. At first they didn't move, they just stood there as if they didn't hear me.

"Excuse me!" This time I spoke a little louder.

All they did was laugh.

"Yo didn't y'all hear her?! Move the fuck out her way!" I heard a female voice say in a thick New York accent. I never heard her voice before.

In an instant, I felt the crowd disperse allowing me to continue my journey. Before I could take a step, I felt someone softly grab my arm.

"Hi beautiful, can I talk to you for a second?" The same female voice spoke again. She let go of my arm, taking a step back and I sighed lowly.

"I-um...I'm kinda in a hurry." I spoke nervously, clearing my throat.

She chuckled, getting back into my personal bubble.

"Class doesn't start until 8:05, it's only 7:50 mamas." She said, making me blush.

"I'm sorry...but right now isn't a good time. I gotta go." I spoke quickly as I hurriedly but carefully made my way past her.


8:10 A.M.

"Alright class, settle down so I can take attendance." My 1st period history teacher Mr. Mitchell said.

"Okay....Quavious Marshall?"


Christopher Brown?"


"Robyn Fenty?"


"Aubrey Graham?"

He didn't answer.

"Aubrey!" He called again.

"He got his earbuds in Mr. Mitch." I heard Travis say.

"Snatch 'em out his ears." Mr. Mitchell said. The room erupted in giggles and I could hear a chair move.

"Chris! What the fuck bro?!" Aubrey yelled and everybody started laughing.

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