¤ C H A P T E R 2 ¤

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I hurriedly made my way out of the school building as soon as the bell rang

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I hurriedly made my way out of the school building as soon as the bell rang. I dug in my hoodie pocket for my car keys and when I found them, I pulled them out.

When I made it to the parking lot, I smiled to myself as I excitedly jumped in my custom pink Chrysler 300, starting it up. I took my backpack out of the front seat and tossed it in the back.

 I took my backpack out of the front seat and tossed it in the back

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I pulled my phone out of my pocket and plugged in my AUX cord. Once I was settled, I put my seat belt on and turned my music up some. I was prepared to pull off until I spotted Beyoncé walking across the parking lot.

I watched her closely as she walked, wondering if someone was here to pick her up. When I saw her leave out the gate, I knew she was walking home.

I quickly put the car in gear and checked my surroundings, carefully pulling out of the parking lot.

Beyoncé was already halfway down the street by the time I turned the corner.

I pulled up on the side of her and honked my horn, rolling my window down as I cruised alongside her.

"It's a little chilly outside to be walking home, don't you think?" I joked. She ignored me and kept walking.

"You know, I can give you a ride if you want." I offered.

She sped up the pace of her walking.


"If I let you take me home, will you leave me the fuck alone?" She snarled.

"Of course not. Why would I wanna do that?" I asked rhetorically, letting out a light cackle.

Her attitude wasn't phasing me at all. I could tell that she just needed a true friend. After what I saw this morning, I already knew that she was being bullied on a regular basis.

Suddenly she stopped walking and I smirked, stopping the car.

Somebody behind me honked their horn and I sucked my teeth, sticking my head out of the window.

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