¤ C H A P T E R 3 ¤

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5:00 P.M.


"Stop fuckin' lying bitch! I know you was out doing something you ain't had no business doin'!" My mother yelled at me

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"Stop fuckin' lying bitch! I know you was out doing something you ain't had no business doin'!" My mother yelled at me. I stood still at the front door, afraid of what her next move would be.

She's been yelling at me ever since I stepped in this stuffy ass apartment. She was obviously drunk...which was nothing new, she's always drunk around this time of day.

"My friend dropped me off mama...but we went to get something to eat first. That's why I was late. I-I swear. See?" I said, holding up the food bag and she did nothing but laugh.

"Bullshit bitch! You don't have any fuckin' friends! You got one more time to lie to me and I'm beatin' the shit outta you!" She screamed. Now I could hear her footsteps coming towards me and I instantly tensed up.


I was cut off by a hard punch connecting with the left side of my face, making me fall backwards, and drop the food, spilling it all over the floor.

"I'm sick of you fuckin' lying to me!" She yanked me up by my shirt and delivered punch after punch to my face.

I begged and pleaded for her to stop, my mouth pooled with blood.

"Mommy I'm sorry! Please!" I sobbed, now trying to cover my face with my hands. That only seemed to enrage her even more. She stood up straight and began kicking me in my stomach.

Each time her sneaker connected with my abdomen I screamed and cried, feeling myself getting closer and closer to throwing up.
I rolled over on my back in pain and she stomped on my stomach, making me throw up instantly.

Surprisingly, she let up, but I could still feel her hovering over me.

"Clean this shit up, clean yourself up and go to your fuckin' room! Don't come out until I say so!" She yelled.

She spit on me and I continued to cry, hearing her footsteps fade, and a door slam.

I slowly got up, limping to the linen closet, grabbing a towel and a broom and dust pan to clean my mess up. I went inside the bathroom and wet the towel.

I came back out and swept the food up first, throwing it in the trash.

I came back and got down on my knees, wiping up my blood and vomit. I cried silently, trying my best to ignore the sharp pains in my abdomen and my jaw.


30 minutes later

I was abruptly awaken from my nap by the sound of my phone ringing and vibrating.

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