¤ C H A P T E R 4 ¤

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"I can't make you understand! You'll never understand how I'm feeling, unless you're put in my position

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"I can't make you understand! You'll never understand how I'm feeling, unless you're put in my position." I spoke through my tears.

Onika let out a long sigh before she responded. "I care about you ma, and I just hate to see you hurting like this. You don't deserve this, you deserve to be happy. Why don't you let me make you happy baby?"

I felt her lean in closer to me, her cool breath just centimeters away from my lips. My heart was beating fast as hell.

Before I could even think about pulling away, I felt her wrap her right hand around the back of my neck.

"What are y--"

She gently placed her lips on mine and I instantly melted, beginning to kiss her back. Her lips felt so damn good. She deepened the kiss and I unintentionally moaned.

She chuckled against my lips and we kissed a little longer. She caught me off guard when she slipped her tongue in my mouth, but I still was able to keep up with her.

Eventually, she pulled away, the both of us coming up for air.

"I want you to come stay with me." She blurted, and I laughed.

"I-I don't think my mama would approve of that." I said, and I heard her suck her teeth.

"Well... maybe you could just ask her if you could stay until winter break ends. I'm sure she wouldn't mind that." She said. I could hear the smirk in her voice.

I didn't say anything, and I could feel her eyes on me, awaiting my response.

"I'll ask...but I still doubt she'll say it's okay." I said.

"I'll be right back." She told me and I nodded.

I heard her leave the living room and I deeply sighed to myself.

"I got a ice pack for you." Onika said, coming back into the living room.

She came and sat back down next to me.

"Thank you." I mumbled when she gently put the ice pack against my cheek.

"No problem beautiful." She giggled, placing a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose.

"We can start the project tomorrow. Let me take care of you today." She said, moving the ice pack to the other side of my face.

"Onika I--"

"You can call me Nicki." She interrupted.

"Nicki I appreciate you...but I'm fine. I can nurse my own wounds." I said and she scoffed.

"I don't really recall asking you anything angel." She said, as she continued icing my face, moving the ice pack up to my cheek.

"So...you still not gonna tell me who did this to you huh?" She asked and I instantly tensed up all over again.

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