Wendy x Fem!Dying!Reader: A Promise

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Requested by Vixie_Plays Hope you like it! Sorry if it's bad!

Angst up ahead.

You have been warned.


"(Name)!" Wendy screamed, as you were hit against a wall. Your back collided against the stone wall first, and you slid down, hearing the sickening crunch.

Wendy started to run towards you, but was swiped away by one of the monster's.

Tears fell down her cheeks, as she saw her best friend, laid there, on the floor, limp. Your breathing was shallow, and it was hard to take a breath.

The monster sniffed the air, and walked towards you, it's large claws pounding against the floor, making it forever ring in your ears.

Wendy appeared in front of you, protecting you.

Oh, why did you go on this job alone?

We're both so young, why did it have to end this way?

Wendy finished the monster, with the power of her emotions. Her emotions for her memories. Her emotions for you.

You whimpered on the floor, blood oozing out of your head.

"(Name)!" Wendy shouted once more, and she slid on her knees, desperate to get to you. Her hair was a mess, and dirt covered her clothes, and scratches were drawn over her face.

But you, oh you were so much worse.

Blood was pouring out of your head, making your hair turn a darker color from the blood. Your leg was twisted the wrong way from falling on it.

You had took the hit for Wendy. And this was the consequence.

"I'll heal you, I swear!" Wendy's hands started to glow, and instead of letting her continue, you grabbed her wrist, shaking your head.

"Please... save your energy..." You whispered, your voice barely above a murmur.

"But-! You might die!" Wendy cried, letting out a wail. She felt so useless. She loves to help people, and the fact that her best friend is pushing her away from helping you, she couldn't bear to watch.

"I know Wendy... I know..." You winced in pain, the pounding in your head never seeming to cease.

"Then let me help you!" Wendy shouted, more tears falling down her brown eyes.

You shook your head again. You were a few months older than Wendy, and something tugged in the back of your mind,

"Don't let her.

"Just remember."

"I'm sorry Wendy." Tears now spilled from your cheeks. "I'm so so sorry." Both of your sobs echoed throughout the cave, and your tears made the stone wet.

"Do you remember that time when Erza got mad at Natsu and Gray for fighting, that she made them wear a get-a-long t-shirt for a day. Natsu eventually burned it though..." You said, bringing back the memories. You laughed a bit, despite the pain laced throughout your body.

"Yes, I do remember that... And when you pranked Natsu and Gray by dying Natsu's hair raven and Gray's pink? They thought they did it to each other, but it was actually you." Wendy giggled, her laughter rang out through the cave.

"Good times. And I'll never forget them. Don't you dare forget them either." You held up your pinkie finger, and you felt yourself start to drain.

Wendy noticed this of course. She noticed the change of your breath, the way that your eyes were starting to grow dark, and dead.

You and her have been through so much together. Through the celebration, the laughs, the sadness, the pain.

You were like sisters, best friends, who always stuck together. Wendy would miss that, would mourn forever and ever, but she had to be strong.

For her guild, and for your spirit.

Maybe that's why she wrapped your pinkie finger around hers. Maybe that's why she said:

"I promise."

Maybe it was the smile that lured you to sleep, the bright smile that Wendy showed, even when tears trickled out of her eyes.

The everlasting promise, that even when one was dead, the other would keep it going, keep the promise, until one day,

They'd see each other again.


Totally didn't cry. This was actually a good one, even though I thought it would turn out bad. Sorry that it was a bit short, hopefully it was still good!

I hope you liked it! Bye beans!

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