Untitled Part 5

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My idiot parents decided to start the day off like any other day-- them yelling. I woke up immediately and ran to them in the kitchen to stop them. I didn't care that they were saying they had made bacon and eggs, like they always did. I cared that Matilda was sleeping upstairs.

"Mom shut the hell up! 'Tilda's still sleeping!" I yelled back.

My mom immediately apologized, while my dad just yelled out: "Watch your language."

While I was over here worrying about Matilda's sleep schedule, my parents decided to just laugh it off. I saw they all had plates ready, so I took one.

"I'm going upstairs to see if 'Tilda's still awake," was all I said, followed by, "I'm also skipping school today. You can't make me go. I'm almost 16," before running up to my room with the plate.

I gently knocked on the ajar door before pushing it open.

Matilda was still soundly sleeping, cuddled up onto herself, like most omegas do in heat.

As someone my age, I do know a lot about omegas. I'm around them a lot, I know what they need while in heat or nesting. They're so cute, and their personalities always have this one aspect of them that I can't exactly put my finger on. But no matter what it is, I love it.

I put the plate on the nightstand and walked up to see Matilda's sleeping face. I brushed her hair out of her face before walking away. As I reached the door, I heard a ruffling of sheets and looked back. Her face was slightly red, but I could tell she was still half asleep. I panicked a little bit.

"Oh no! I'm sorry... did I wake you?" I frantically asked.

She shook her head. "No, but your parents sure are loud." She laughed a little bit.

"W-well, I got you some breakfast!" I said.

She nodded her head with a "Thanks."

"Also, you don't have to go to school this week, until your heat is over."

She nodded her head and sighed. "I should go over to my parent's place today. They said they'll clean out my room. I should go get my stuff later," was all she said.

She looked sad, like I should leave her alone. So after I said I'd be downstairs, I left.

I don't know if I should've done that. But I did anyways and went to eat the burnt bacon and undercooked eggs that was made especially for me.

My parents are so nice.

After I took the dog outside and did some chores and got ready for the day, Matilda came out of the room. She seemed a bit better.

"Y'know, thank you for letting me stay here," she began to say while petting my dog.

"No problem," my mom said. "You can stay as long as you'd like."

"Thanks. My parents aren't even half as nice as you are." 'Tilda laughed a bit and went back to playing with Haer.


It wasn't even 10:00, but Matilda wanted to go as soon as she could. Apparently she had some important stuff in her room. I wouldn't have blamed her.

I walked with here there in near silence. She didn't seem to want to talk that much. I started to get worried a bit, but tried not to think about it much. It was probably just about her parent problem. Who would do that though? I almost didn't want to meet them.

As soon as we arrived at her extravagant house, she immediately rang the doorbell, me by her side. The door soon opened to a tall man. I saw her stuff scattered along her living room floor, but in a neat way.

She asked me to stay outside, though, and that she probably wouldn't be that long.

So I sat on the steps, bored as I waited.



I'm Not A Slut (Omega!Matilda x Tori)Where stories live. Discover now