They Find Out You Had Their Child Part 3

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Calum: Calum set the cake down on the table, waiting for everyone to gather around. Today was River's first birthday, and he wanted to go all out for his baby girl. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE, GATHER AROUND!" he yelled, as you walked over with River in your arms. Calum smiled at her, picking her up and peppering her face in kisses as she giggled. You smiled, and grabbed the lighter, starting to light the candles. "She's so cute," Ashton cooed, playing with River's tiny hands. "Yeah she is isn't she," you said. Someone had turned off the lights, and Calum moved closer to the cake, River still in his arms. "One, two, three," you said, everyone starting to sing happy birthday to River. "Happy birthday dear River, happy birthday to youuuu!" Calum sang, his pointer finger trapped in her fists. River's eyes was scanning everywhere, and soon landed on the cake. "Blow out the candles," you told her. Calum leaned forward, and she attempted to blow with his help. Everyone clapped, and you started to cut pieces, as Calum sat River in her highchair. You placed a cake in front of her, and started to hand out more, with Calum's help. "Look at her," he laughed watching as River smeared most of the cake around her face, some entering her mouth. You laughed, Joy going over to clean her up a bit. "We should make more," Calum whispered, wrapping his arms around your waist. You almost choked on your cake. "What?" you asked, surprised. He shrugged, "I wouldn't mind having more kids with you," he muttered, you smiled. "Let's wait a while," you said, Calum giving you a hopeful look.

Ashton:  "Dad, can you read us a bedtime story!" Jack asked, grabbing Ashton by the hand, and leading him to Jack, and Gray's room. Ashton chuckled, another tingly feeling going down his spine at the word 'dad.' The boys had started calling them that since the third time you all were together. It still gave him butterflies. Tonight you all decided on a day in, and after a movie it was the boys' bedtime. Gray handed Ashton a book, and he grabbed it, both boys climbing into their beds. Ashton tucked them in, and sat at the edge of one of their beds, and started the story. "I am the Lorax, he coughed and he whiffed. He sneezed and he snuffled. He snarggled. He sniffed." You listened as Asthon read the book, smiling. Soon the boys were asleep, and he was back in the living room, where you sat, watching another movie. "They're are out like a light," he told you, heading to the door. "Ashton," you said, stopping him. He looked back at you, "Wanna stay, and watch another movie?" you asked. He nodded, and sat down next to you. The movie you had put in was just starting, so he didn't miss much. At some point you two started talking more, and it felt like when you were still in a relationship. He leaned in close to you, and soon you found yourselves in a kiss. Pulling away, you smiled lightly, biting your bottom lip. "Can we give it another try?" Ashton whispered, his thumb rubbing over your cheek. You nodded, leaning in for another kiss.

Michael: "Ssshhh," Michael whispered to Sonia, who giggled. She was trying to keep up with her father, who was carrying a tray with breakfast on it. Three years had passed now, and your little girl was three, and your relationship with Michael was as strong as ever. Michael opened the door to your room, and Sonia lightly pushed past him, toddling to your bed. "One, two, three," Michael whispered, "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!" they both yelled, waking you up a bit. You shifted around, "Mommy!" Sonia shouted, shaking you. You sat up, and smiled at them. "What's this?" you asked as Michael sat the tray of food in front of you. "Mother's day breakfast," Michael said, pecking your lips. "I help," Sonia told you, cuddling into your side. You looked down at the food, looking at the burnt toast. "You did, thank you," you said kissing the top of her head. You sipped on the orange juice, and Michael sat down on the edge of the bed. "We have a lot planned for today," he said, resting his hand on your knee. You raised your eyebrows in question as you bit into the toast. "It's a surprise, so I'm not telling you," he said, sticking his tongue out at you. You did it back, making Sonia laugh at the two of you. You smiled at her, offering a strip of bacon, she took it, and started to munch on it. "Also later today when she's asleep, you're mine," he whispered loud enough for you to hear.

Luke: Bradley ran to Luke, who bent down to scoop him up in his arms. "Mommy said we had to dress up," Brad told him. "What's the occasion?" you asked, walking up to the both of them. "It's a surprise," Luke told you, setting Brad down. You all made your way inside, and was led to a table. Both you, and Luke had started dating again, and everything was going great. "How's school going?" Luke asked, taking a gulp from his drink. You looked at Brad with a raised eyebrow, as he squirmed in his seat. "Did I miss something?" Luke asked, noticing your stare. "I think he can tell for himself," you commented. Luke turned to Brad with a spectacle look. "I got a two day suspension,"  Brad confessed. Luke sighed, "We'll talk about it later," he said, remembering the reason he asked you two here. The topic was soon dropped as the night progressed. "Y/N," Luke said, placing his hand on top of yours. "Yeah?" you questioned, your son's eyes trained on the two of you, already knowing what's about to happen, since Luke asked him about it. "We've picked things back up, and it's been amazing. You gave me a beautiful son, and I can't thank you enough." You watched intently as Luke bent down to one knee, pulling a tiny velvety box out of his suit pocket. "I should have asked you this a long time ago, but will you marry me?" he asked. You covered your mouth, lost for words "Say yes," you heard Bradley whisper, everyone in the restaurant watching. "Y-yes," you managed to say, tears starting to prick at the corner of your eyes. Luke smiled and slid the ring on your finger, bringing you into a kiss.

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