Chapter 1

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Fallon Sheppard and Jessie Meyers, arguably the best figure skaters of all time.

They met when they were seven. Two awkward Ice Dancers paired together for a season. She was energetic and ready to try anything, always with her long hair flowing behind her as she skated. He was more reserved, but holding her hand gave him the confidence to dance and become her best friend.

At eight, they entered their first competition, and before the competition, they hugged each other. A real hug. One that connected them before they took the ice. It was this tradition that they carried with them through the rest of their friendship.

They found the world of jumping in singles when they were nine, each pushing each other to become better, but always returning to hold each other's hands, not ready to let go.

At thirteen they were found by a woman who coached competitive skaters, Jackie Malone, who saw potential in both their skating and friendship. They took a leap and moved two hours away from their hometown to Colorado Springs. Their parents were glad they hadn't moved halfway across the world like many skaters had to in an effort to become recognized around the world. Fallon and Jessie moved in with two families who were looking for exchange students, and agreed to take in the scraggly teens. Jackie trained them harder than they ever imagined, but treated them with respect and kindness, and for it, they began to win gold in both singles and ice dance in the junior circuits.

At fourteen, after seven years of a partnership, they ended their ice dance career, and began to focus on their future goals in individuals. The Olympics.


"Ice your wrist before practice tonight," Fallon's coach reminded the skater,"We can't have you ending up like Jessie,"

The 17 year old laughed as she shrugged her bag onto her shoulder,"Yes Jackie," she said dutifully, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Jackie rolled her eyes and the young woman left the rink, heading to school.

When Fallon got to her car, she dumped her skating bag in the backseat, grabbing her water and a bar from one of the side pockets before starting the car's engine. It was 7:50 when Fallon pulled into the parking lot, just enough time to stop at her locker before heading to her first classes. Jessie was leaning on her locker as she trudged up the stairs, his head was bent to stare at his phone, and when he noticed his best friend had arrived, he shoved the screen in her face.

"Look at this," he demanded,

She took the phone from him and studied the video that was playing on repeat,"Damn," she murmured,"That's one of the cleanest quad combos I've seen all season,"

Jessie groaned in response,"I know right!" he sighed dramatically,"and here I am, unable to train for the next two days,"

She shoved him lightly in response,"You sprained your ankle moron,"

"That's not the point," he said,"Shima is clean as hell with his tech score this season, I am doomed to failure,"

"Umm no," Fallon replied, zipping her backpack and replacing it on her shoulders,"You have a quad combo too and it's just as clean," she took out her phone and opened Instagram, scrolling until she found the post.

Fallon+Sheppard @ShimoSk8es , looking good! As of 7:54 this morning, @J_Meyers is freaking (fanboying?) out over every aspect of it.

Fallon read the comment then posted it, grinning as she heard Jessie's phone ding.

"Fallon you've just betrayed my friendship," he told her after glancing at the notification.

"You deserve it," she tossed over her shoulder, leading them into one of the two classes they had together.

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