Chapter 6

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Fallon flipped onto her side and stared at the empty room around her. Natalie had been her roommate, but she had stayed at the hospital the night before, and was on her way back to the US for further treatment the next day. Grabbing her phone from the bedside table she typed a message to Jessie.

Fallon [10:24] Hey. Are you still awake?

A few minutes later she heard the tell tale ding of a reply.

Jessie [10:26] I'm awake and functioning. You should be proud

She smiled and wrote back.

Fallon [10:27] You're a dork. But also you're a dork I need to talk to cuz I can't sleep and am super stressed and this empty room isn't helping.

Jessie [10:28] Cooommmiiingggg!

She knew he would be up. He had won gold four days ago and now he just had to focus on enjoying the games for what they were. He and a bunch of other skaters from every other discipline were out exploring. They had offered spots to the women competing tomorrow but most had refused.

Ten minutes later, a knock sounded rapidly on her door and she could hear a few raised voices beyond it. Rolling out of bed she pulled one of Jessie's old hoodies over her head and opened the door. Her best friend stepped forward and wrapped her in a hug, kissing her forehead as he did so. There were a few remarks about a cuteness overload from the skaters behind him. Moving to one side, Jessie let go with one arm so she could greet the crowd of mostly tipsy people.

"Fallon!" Lily, an ice dancer, wrapped an arm around her,"You are going to crush it tomorrow!"

"Thanks Lil," Fallon replied.

She was wished luck by the rest of the group before they wandered back toward the elevator banks to continue with their night of celebration.

Jessie glanced back down at her and flicked her shoulder,"Is this mine?"

She shrugged,"Left it here a couple days ago,"

The door closed behind them and Fallon face planted onto her bed, legs flopping in the air.

"Fal," Jessie rubbed her back gently,"What's wrong?"

"I-I don't know..." she sat up,"Everything just feels so wrong and I'm not skating like I should be and they didn't choose me and what if they're right and then -,"

His hands were warm on her cheeks as he grabbed her face,"Fallon Sheppard," their faces were close together,"You are skating fine," he stared at her as he continued,"You will go out there tomorrow and kick some ass. This is your Olympics now," he smiled at her,"You might not be as good as your resident gold medalist,"

"Shut up,"

"But you can get on that podium and prove the world wrong," He reached for her hand,"This room is depressing, we're going on a walk,"

"But it's late," she began.

He turned to her,"It's 10:46," he shoved his phone in her face to prove his point,"Live a little,"

They stopped by Jackie's hotel room on their way out, letting her know where they were going.

"Have her back by 11:30 Jess," their coach called after them.

"Yes mom," he replied sarcastically.

She raised an eyebrow but didn't comment as the pair wandered away from her.

The pair explored the streets of the Olympic village in silence until he broke it.

"Remember Milan?"

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