Part 4 of the Date (Final):

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Blossom POV

I got on my phone and started texting my boyfriend

Blossom: Hey

???: Hey pinky

Blossom: HEY!!!

???: What don't like the nickname

Blossom: u know I don't like it Brick or should I say Brickie


Blossom: LOL

Brick: ur a cute even over text

Blossom: o///o

Brick: what someone embarrassed

Blossom: No just sick

Brick: Really from what?????

Blossom: YOu not being here

Brick: o///o

Blossom: Hey brick

Brick: Yeah

Blossom: Don't we think we need to tell everyone about us

Brick: No

Blossom: Why not

Brick: They wouldn't understand

Blossom: Just because they haven't really dated

Brick: Mean sthey wouldn't

Blossom: Brick

Blossom: Brick you sure

Blossom: Look I'm going to they them and you CAN"T STOP ME!!!

Brick: Blossom please don't

Bubblegum Bloss offline

Bubbles POV

I need to talk to him. After that kiss, I don't feel that same about him. I kind of already like him. BUT ONLY AS A FRIEND. Would if the kiss didn't mean anything. He doesn't like me. What am I thinking. I felt it. I felt the spark. I didn't know what to do so I cried. I know crying doesn't solve anything but it helps. I keep crying till I here a knock on the wall. (I mean door)

"Bubz" 2 worried muffled voices say. "Are you okay""NO" I replied. Then was silence. I thought they were gone, so I locked the door. I heard a few jiggles from the doorknob but I ignored it. "Click". "Bubz" Butterfly says walking in. "Let's talk" Buttercup says softly right behind her. I didn't know what to do. But I can trust them. I get up and hump into their arms and start crying again. All I heard was the two of the humming. I felt them rubbing my head till I stopped crying. "Alright you ready to tell or you need a few more minutes." Buttercup say smiling. "I'm ready" I say. "is okay if I join?" I hear Blossom say in the doorway. "Yes it is" I say sniffing.

I sit my bed with Blossom. Butterfly in a beanbag chair and Buttercup in my desk chair backwards. "So you know that one day where I was apologizing to Boomer for bumping into him." I say as everyone nodded. "Well I kind....of....sorta kissed him" I say. "WHAT!!!" Everyone yelled. "I kind....of....sorta fell in love with him" I continue. "And I don't know if he likes me back" I say. "If he doesn't like you. he's missing out" Butterfly said. "If it doesn't work out you have us" Buttercup says. "Besides you wouldn't want to be in a one way relationship" Blossom. "Thanks, girls" I say hugging them. "Alright next!!" Butterfly yells like she's calling the next person in a line of something. "Alright I need to tell y'all something." Blossom says. (I talk like this all the time). "I'm dating someone" Blossom says. This shocked me. My sister is very friendly but very boy crazy. "W-who" Butterfly says. "Br-" Blossom gets cut off by mom calling us. We hurry downstairs. 

The first person I saw is 


"Dad, what are you doing here. I thought you were supposed to come tomorrow." Blossom says "Well, you mom has been working hard here to bring me home early." Dad says pulling mommy into a aside hug. We end up talking for 2 hours then I get a call from Boomer!!! I walk into my room and answer the phone.  


Bubbles: Hey Boomer

Boomer: Hey Bubbles

Both: .....

Bubbles: You called for something right

Boomer: Yeah I know it's kind of sudden, but I wanted to tell you something

Bubbles: What?

Boomer: You smile and laugh brings me joy. When your upset it hurts me a bit inside. Your the one of the best thing to happen to me right now. So can you make my life better and...\

He going to ask me to be his girlfriend I just know it.

Boomer: be my lab partner 

What, I thought he was, Why would he.

Boomer: Kidding.

Bubbles: *sigh*

Boomer: I funny right

Bubbles: depends on your definition of 'funny'

Boomer: But do you really want to be my girlfriend

Bubbles: yeah

Boomer: Really, because I really want to be your boyfriend.

Bubbles: REALLY?!

Boomer: FOR REAL

Bubbles: If I could hug I would. 

Boomer: same

Bubbles: Talk to you later Boomie

Boomer: Sure thing Bubz.

~Call ended

Something tell me everything won't be okay for long.

(755 words)(3781 words for parts total)

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