The Date

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Blossom and Bubbles went on their double date with Brick and Boomer. While Buttercup and Butterfly did the same with Butch and Blake, but more of group fun than anything. 

Blossom POV

Me and Bubbles got ready together. We even picked each other clothes. Then we grab our stuff and went over to the ruffs house. 

"Hey, girls you ready to go?" Brick asks when we walk through the door. "Yep" I replied. We all leave to go to this fancy restaurant in town. 

When we get their we take our seats. "What would you lovely ladies like to drink?" the waiter asked. "I could I get a water" Bubbles says. "Sure thing and you?" He says to me. "Could I get some tea" I ask. "Sure what kind?" The waiter smiles. "Green" I simply say. "What do guys want to drink?" The waiter says kind of rudely to Brick and Boomer. "I would also like green tea" Brick says. "And I would like water" Boomer says. "Alright you drink will be here in just a minute" He says walking away. "I don't like that guy" Brick bluntly stats. "No duh" I replied. "I thought you be all up for the flirt" Bubbles smiles at me. "Look, I was boy crazy years ago, I'm still kind of. Flirts like him are jerks so I wouldn't want to talk to him" I say. "What was your childhood like?" I ask the guys. "Well we manly sat around the house playing video games, joking around." Brick explains. "and teasing me" Boomer adds. "For what" Bubbles asks. "Almost everything he did. He was a klutz" Brick tells us. "I was like five" Boomer says. "Yeah and didn't stop till you were like what 10" Brick mentions. "S-shut up" Boomer says slight embarrassed. The waiter came back "Here are your drinks." He says as he gives Bubbles and I our drinks and pour the guys drinks on their head. "What the" Brick says as he looks down at him. "These guys are losers you could come hang out with me now" He whispers in our ears. "No thank you" Bubbles declined. "Yeah we don't hang out with jerks like you" Blossom says getting up. "where are you going" bubbles ask. "Out of this place. I think you should come to" blossom says walking away. "Okay" Bubbles says walking away. "Boys are coming?" I ask the ruff. "Gladly" Brick slightly mumbles. We get outside and a waitress comes running out. "Wait a minute." She says. She looking around our age. "Yes" Bubbles says. "I wanted to apologize for what happened in their, my brother can be a bit of a" She says. "Jerk" I finish for her. "Yes. He crossed so many lines" She says. "Don't worry about it" I say placing a hand on her shoulder. "Thanks, away I have to get back to work" she says walking away. "I hope to see on Monday, Momoko, Miyako, Boomer, and Brick" She say waving. "How does she know our names" Boomer questions. "Well she probably goes to the same school as us" Bubbles says. "Probably" I mumble. 

Buttercup POV

I decided to put on a green shirt with a jean jacket. Butterfly was just wearing a large orange sweater and leggings. Me and BF walk into the ruffs house. "So what are planning on doing?" Blake asks. "Well downtown their is this entertainment plaza, and their currently having a music festival" I explain. "That's sounds cool" BF says. "Then let's go" Butch says walking towards the door. We all get to the door, but then. "Where are you going" Mrs. Jojo asks. We all turn around looking at her. "You have a last minute gig to do today at the Melody Entertainment Plaza" She tells us. "Is it the music festival" I ask. "yep" She tells us. "That's what we are going to" BF says. "Oh okay, Maya will also be their to video the music concert" She tells us walking away. "Okay then let's go" Blake says. "Right" we all say. 

When we get their it's slightly pack. We head to the stage director. "Yes, you must be the four kids that are going here to preform." The guy says. "Yep" I tell him. "Alright here are your VIP passes" He says handing us black badges. "You guys will start in 30 minutes, so your free to have fun, till it's time" He tell us. "Okay, thanks" BF says. We walk all through the festival. We look at booths that have different kind of dance culture on their. "This is really cool" Blake says amazed. "I know right" say BF. We start to walk back to the stage. Not to my surprise I see Maya. "Hello, friends" She says. "Hey, you still filming us know matter where you go" I tell her. "I can't get a break" She says. "By the way, where are your siblings" she asks. "On a double date" Butch says. "Really? So are you guys" She thinks out loud. "Nah, just four friend who are happening to hangout with each other." Blake explains. "Suure" She says. "Anyways we have to go" I tell her. "Bye then" She says. 

We get on stage. "Hello and welcome to the annual music festival. Some of you have already seen the booths of music and all that fun stuff. But to official start us off. We had a four talents guest to perform for you. So please give them a warm welcome, to four of the rowdy puff kids. The audience starts applauding. We walk on stage still wearing our sunglasses. We decided on a certain song. 

We stand next to microphones, and take the glasses off.

BF: Yeah, you may think that I'm a zero
But, hey, everyone you wanna be
Probably started off like me
BC: You may say that I'm a freak show (I don't care)
But, hey, give it just a little time
I bet you're gonna change your mind

BF: All of the dirt you've been throwin' my way
It ain't so hard to take, that's right
BC: 'Cause I know one day you'll be screamin' my name
And I'll just look away, that's right

BC & BF: Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth
So everyone can hear
Hit me with the words you got and knock me down
Baby, I don't care
Keep it up, I'm tunin' up and figure out
You wanna be
You wanna be
A loser like me
A loser like me

Blake: Push me up against the locker
And hey, all I do is shake it off
I'll get you back when I'm your boss
Butch: I'm not thinkin' 'bout you haters
'Cause hey, I could be a superstar
I'll see you when you wash my car

BC & BF: All of the dirt you've been throwin' my way
It ain't so hard to take, that's right
'Cause I know one day you'll be screamin' my name
And I'll just look away, that's right

All: Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth
So everyone can hear
Hit me with the words you got and knock me down
Baby, I don't care
Keep it up, I'm tunin' up and figure out
You wanna be
You wanna be
A loser like me
A loser like me
A loser like me

BC & BF: Hey, you, over there
Keep the L up-up in the air
Hey, you, over there
Keep the L up, 'cause I don't care
Blake and Butch: You can throw your sticks, and you can throw your stones
Like a rocket, just watch me go
All: Yeah, l-o-s-e-r
I can only be who I are

All: Just go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth
So everyone can hear
Hit me with the words you got and knock me down
Baby, I don't care
Keep it up, I'm tunin' up and figure out
You wanna be
You wanna be
A loser like me
A loser like me

All: Go ahead and hate on me and run your mouth
So everyone can hear
Hit me with the words you got and knock me down
Baby, I don't care
Keep it up, I'm tunin' up to figure out
You wanna be
You wanna be
A loser like me (A loser like me)
A loser like me (A loser like me)
A loser like me

Everyone is applauding. "Thanks, to everyone here for coming" I say as we walk in the back of the stage. We waited for a bit, to make sure no one would follow us. Then we left for home.

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