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Third Person's POV

"Can we watch Dr. Phi-"

"Yoongi, no."

"You didn't even let me finish. Can we watch Dr. Phil?"

Jimin placed his hand over one of his eyes. "Why?" He was done with Yoongi and it was only three and a half months.

"Because everyone is talking about this girl who's pretty much a bitch and I want to see if she really is as bad as everyone says."


"And I need proof so if anyone ever talks about her, I can come to them and spill shit about her. Maybe even make more stuff about her so people hate more." He narrowed his eyes and he pointed at Jimin with his finger guns.

"Alright," He waited until Yoongi shifted his eyes from the floor to his eyes. "So what happened a couple days ago already happened. I've had the info and all for days but I decided today I'll tell you about it."

He paused. How would he react?

He was upset at first but now he seems quite comfortable. He'll be excited and relieved, most likely.

"This is not as important. . . Well it is but apparently you haven't been taking your medications. It's partially my fault because I give you the meds and never check if you throw them away or never swallow them, but now I know what to do. Anyway, those weren't the main news."

Yoongi kept quiet. Him being him, he didn't feel ashamed or embarrassed of what he did. He wasn't going to deny it though, "Then what else are you gonna to tell me?"

"You only have two weeks left here and then-"

Yoongi's face lit up and softly gasped, "I go home?"

"Close, but not exactly. You are going home but you will receive the inpatient residential treatment. I'll still be your assigned doctor so no worries, I guess? That's it."

"That's it." Yoongi repeated.

"That's it. Now you can go watch Dr. Phil."


"I'll see you there. You'll be home and I called Hoseok so he can help you get all your stuff and all. Apparently everyone is living at your house and one more person will live there too." He pointed to himself and then stood up.

He was leaning againt the taxi. He waved shyly as the taxi drove away. He went inside and went to Dr. Nam's office one last time before he returns again in months.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Nam."


A couple of small bags with clothes and his necessities. He could carry most bags on one hand but still had to drop his bags to knock on the door. He only had to knock once and the door swung open.

"Jiminnie! Come in. Please don't mind the other ones. They will leave and I will to, don't worry." Hoseok said and quickly took two of Jimin's bags.

Jimin took the other two bags and entered the house.

"The house is so damn nice. Even from the outside." He whispered to Hoseok's ear and he looked at him. "What do you expect from someone like Yoongi?"

"A lot. But not right now. His mental health, his health comes first and then he can be the successful man he was." He wasn't even whispering this.

"Here's the guest room. Yoongi's in his room sleeping."

"And that. I expect that a lot now that he gets to wake up two hours later than he usually did back over there." He smiled and threw his own body over the bed.

"I am tired!" He yelled.

"Me too. I'll give you time to arrange your stuff. I'll be in the living room with the others if you need anything."


Jimin then closed his eyes and the real world soon became a small dream as he drifted off to a short nap.


"You guys are still here?"

"Well we moved in so. . ." Taehyung answers.

Jimin looked at the TV just to see a paused video with the title of 'Can He Move It Like This- Pretty Raheem.'

I'm not even gonna ask.

"It was a mistake becoming friends with both of you."

"You still suck my dick though." Jungkook spat out. Taehyung, on the other hand wasn't jealous. He was supportive of this and yelled, "I knew you were a bottom."

"I'm sorry, what?" He raised an eyebrow. "Hyung, do you always have to deal with this everyday? I feel bad for you." He said with a disgusted face.

Both Namjoon and Jin said, "Yes." And returned to ignore the youngers' conversation.

"I was asking Jin but okay."

"Aight, if we're annoying then what are you?" Jungkook suggested.

"A stable human being."

"Lying is a sin, Jimin." Taehyung warned with a finger up.

"Shut up, I'm gonna check on Yoongi." He turned around and then turned back to Hoseok, who was asleep on the couch taking up most of the space. "Hyung, can you wake up Hoseok?"

"Okay." Jin sighed and poked Hoseok's cheeks. He didn't move.

He softly poked his stomach a couple of times yet he didn't move.

"Fuck it."

He stood up and stretched a little. "What do you need?"

"Uh. . . The bathroom?"

Jin looked at him. A look of disappointment. "Aren't you the smart one here? Use your common sense! You just made me stand up for nothing. Go find it yourself!" He practically spat out the words so quickly, that if a non-korean speaker heard him, they would think he were mad.

"Alright." He rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!" He loudly yelled, Jimin completely ignoring Jin, "I'm not taking any bullshit today." He whispered.

Jimin walked up the stairs and walked down the hall. He entered the bathroom which was at the very of the hall. "Shit was easy."

Once he was done, he knocked on Yoongi's door. "Are you awake?"

"Come in if you want."

"Okay." He slowly opened the door and found Yoongi on his phone.

"I love it already and it hasn't even been a hour. Although I miss Miri, Yongju, and Seohye." He made a sad face and slouched.

"It's alright. You have Kook, Tae, and all of us. It'll be fun, I guess?" He shrugged and sat down next to Yoongi on his bed.


haven't updated it 5 days sorry
this week has been so stressful to the point where I can't concentrate and be on social media
But I got an 98 on my math test
100 on my ela test
but then I did Bad™ in my history test shit I got a 89
kimchi is such a quee
I'm so ga-


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