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Third Person's POV

"Jimin, you don't get it. He has a special place in my heart and I really want to help him and make him understand that he shouldn't had gotten back with Tae. . . For the second time."

"Actually, it's the third time."

"Now that makes it even worse. And it's because he cheated. That's unforgivable."

Jimin sighed, "I've told his several times that Tae isn't going to be one that will commit to the relationship and he doesn't listen. I'll just sit back and watch,"

"Isn't that a little cruel?"

"I mean, he chose to keep him so. . ."


"Do you want to go to the aquarium today?"


"So you want to go outside?"

Jimin shook his head, "No." Yoongi furrowed his brows at his answer, "But not very long ago you were complaining and whining about not going outside and now you're like this. Do you feel sick or something?"

A brief moment of silence had passed, "Jimin, talk to me. That's why we have mouths; to communicate."

"Fine," he crossed his arms, "It's just that someone's following me."

And at those words Yoongi had lost it, "What? No. You're safe here. Nothing's going to happen."

"Please don't lie. I'm not safe here, my house or just anywhere. And I think I know who he is, well not exactly but he is a little bit taller than me and wears baggy dark clothes. He also carries some sort of weapon and I've seen him several times in my dreams."

Yoongi had a confused look of worry and disbelief, "Where did you see him? Since when?"

His hands were shaking and blinked several times, "I don't- I don't know."

He wet his lips and furrowed his brows, "What do you mean? Jimin, are you sure that he's even . ."

"Please don't leave me. Promise me you're not going to leave me," he whispered and looked at the window.

"I'm not going to leave Bunbun, I promise." He tried to cheer him up and distract him by talking about cute and happy memories and plans but instead Jimin had fallen asleep, resting his head on Yoongi's thigh.

Yoongi was glad he had brought his phone since he wanted to talk to Jungkook. He began to dial his number and the younger answered right away.


"Kookie, I called to talk about something serious and something that is a little bit more serious."

"What is it?"

"First, I wanna talk about you. I really don't want you to get hurt and played with so I just want to make sure that you're more than sure that Taehyung is going to serious about your relationship."

"Oh, no. Don't worry about that. He knows that if he really wants me then he should know he needs to stay loyal. But it's funny that you're worrying more about this than me." He laughed a little, becoming shy after.

"Yeah, just be careful. And about the second thing I want to talk about is Jimin."

"Ooh, what did you guys do now?"

"Nothing. Ever since he started going to therapy, he's gotten worse. I don't know what to do. Sometimes he would start crying out of nowhere and would start apologizing for being such a fuck up which he isn't but what can I do? Like right now, he just had a breakdown and he's here."

"Wow there, hyung. I really don't know what to say. Medications?"

"His therapist told me it's not recommended since people with this disorder are highly likely to quit therapy thinking that they're trying to harm or poison them. I really can't risk it, I want him to be better." He looked down at Jimin and ghosted his hand over the younger's face but careful enough to not wake him up.

"Hmm. . . Talking? Talking solves everything."

"I would say that I've tried that. It kinda helps but if you really ran put of ideas, it's okay. I'm just bothering you, I'll hang up."

"Before you go, if you need anything you can call me."

"Okay, bye Kook." He placed his phone on the bed and had no other option but stay since he promised him to not leave him. A little while after thinking and wandering, he fell asleep without noticing.

"My goal now is to get you back on track Bunbun."


lmao writers block iss hitting me back again smh
bruh tomorrows the last night (sunday) for the outcast au which left me more confused than bts themselves
btw the chapters after chapter ten-ish aren't edited so oo f


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