Chapter 5

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3rd person POV

Dark walks to Anti's apartment, they had been at this case for two days and unfortunately haven't found much , but no one said this would be easy

Anti was just outside, dressed in a nice pair of black leggings and a white wavy shirt which was tucked into it , over it all was an undone female black jacket that went down to his knees

Anti's eyes land on Dark , he smiled warmly at him , Dark returned the smile as usual

"Hello there Darkidoo " Anti chirped

"Darkidoo..?" Dark raised a brow

"Yea it's your nickname, do you like it ?" Anti asked

"Yea I guess...I've never really been given a nickname other than Dorkiplier" Dark admits , hearing Anti giggle

"Dorkiplier? Why do they call you that ?" Anti asks yet again

"Once you get to know me you'll understand " Dark says briefly

"Alright, so where are we off to today Darkidoo?" Anti asks as they start to walk , looking towards Dark

"First we'll check up on the police station , see if they have any information, then we'll look around town and especially the alleys to see if there's any activity there , since there is most the time " Dark explained

"Alright fair enough "


The two demons arrived at the police station, on the outside it was painted blue and white , with the logo right in the middle , the name of the place just under it in big white writing, some of the paint was chipping off , hence why there was a truck just outside with a guy and his ladder, paint cans at the top of the ladder

Anti waves at the guy, giving him a smile , the guy smiled back waving back and continued on with his painting

"How is it you manage to be friendly with almost everyone?" Dark asks as he enters the building with Anti

"Well cuz why not , it's better than being an asshole to everyone" Anti says

"Good point "

They approach the front desk, there was a man and a woman there

"Hello sir's ,how can I help you " the Woman , who was in front of a computer asks , looking up from the screen and at the two men

"We would like to know if you have any information about the missing case of Sean William McLoughlin" Dark asks , leaning against the counter with one arm

The man at the desk beside her began looking through the files , his eyes scanning over the names which were written neatly on them

"Here ya go , have a look for yourselves, it don't look like there's much though if I'm gonna be honest " the man's voice was raspy , he hands them the file and they open it up

He was right , there was nothing much at all , only a few bits of information there and then

"S-Surely there must b-be more....r-right..." Anti hoped , desperate for anything at this point

"I'm sorry..there ain't any more information at this point.." the man apologised

Anti just sighed , a look of defeat on his face

"I-its ok...I understand your trying your best "

"I hope you find out what happens to him soon , hopefully you can find him too" the woman said , handing the file back to the man

"Thanks...have a nice day" Anti says as they walk out , sighing as his head hung low

"Hey..look at me" Dark says softly . Slowly Anti moved his head to face Dark's, his eyes meeting Dark's

"We'll find him ok..I'm not gonna give up until we do ok" Dark places a hand on his shoulder

Anti smiled at his appreciatively, lifting his head

"Y-yea...thanks Dark.." he mutters

"No problem Anti"

The detective and the suspect (Danti)Where stories live. Discover now