Chapter 12

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3rd person POV

Dark jumps to his feet , making Buddy jump in surprise, laying there with a confused expression , ears tilted to the side as his owner rushes to grab all his things

Dark reaches for his phone dialling it as he rushes out the door into the night without his coat , running and mumbling 'pick up' repeatedly under his breath till finally it answered

"Hello? Dark? Why are you calling me now , it's n-" before Anti could finish his question, Dark interrupted him briskly

"I need you to rush to Singe's house and I mean rush " he demanded , surprising Anti , who was now sitting up on his sofa , turning off the TV

"O-Oh ok, why do you need me to do that " Anti asks , standing from his small sofa and going to get his coat , pressing his ear against his shoulder so it would hold the phone as he slips his arms in his coat

"Singe could be in danger that's why!" Anti's eyes widened

"WHAT !! O-Ok I'll do my best to be there was fast as I can  " Anti hung up , now running out of his apartment, going down the stairs till he was out the building, racing as fast as his legs could carry him to Singe's house. Mentally praying and hoping that whatever Singe was up to right know meant she was safe

He reaches the door and knocks rapidly, pacing around impatiently as he repeatedly mutters 'c'mon ', each growing louder than the other

Anti whipped out his phone again and his fingers started to tap dance on the numbers of his phone , maybe Singe was asleep, since as he was going to mention before it was night time , so he wanted to ring her just to make sure , plus her ringtone for him was pretty loud , perhaps it would wake her up ....or at least...that's what he hoped...

But Anti's throats went dry when it went to voice mail....

He started to bang on the door , barging into it with his whole body , but he wasn't strong enough

He turns around once he hears footsteps against the tiles of the path just outside the house , sighing in relief once he sees Dark, he's strong , he could definitely knock this door down

As Dark got closer to the door he reaches out and grabbing the smaller males wrist

In a blink of an eye so many things happened that Anti couldn't comprehend at the time till they ended up on the other side of the door .

Anti realised that the door had not been knocked down or busted open at all , it was perfectly fine .

He felt his chest and all over himself , checking in case something happened to him. Nothing was hurt or anything .

Anti remembered that as he passed through the door , his body felt like it was no longer solid, like it had defused into something else

"W-wha-I-I ...what jus-I ....the fuck -I " Anti couldn't even say a word he was so dumbfounded

Dark ignores his partners confusion and let's go of his wrist , running upstairs and looking around the house that looked like a tornado had been through it

Dark bursts into the bedroom to find that no one was there ...but there was scratches ...scratches that spelled out 'too late'

Dark growls in frustration, punching the wall harshly, so harshly that it left a huge dent in the wall.

Anti slowly comes into the room, looking around it sadly . He clasps his hand over his mouth as a shuddering gasp left his parted mouth , tears bubbling in his eyes

"O-oh god ....not Singe too......." he sobbed sadly, for yet another person close to him had gone missing....

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