Chapter 11

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| Guys , please all go to silverscar2002 and support them and give them positivity, they really really need it right now , if you wanna know the details then check out the most recent chapter of there book 'friends forever?'. Please go help em out |

Dark's POV

I sat in my chair just in front of my desk , my hands rummaging inside the sack bag , just in case something was hidden inside of it , since I had come across that in a case in the past ...but nothing was in there except the crushed up bits of coal.

I sigh and sit back in my chair , it making a small squeaking sound as my back made contact with it , it was a pretty old chair, perhaps I should get a new one .

From under my desk I hear a whimpering sound , and I look downwards, chuckling lightly sad I see Buddy laid beside my feet , his head rested on my foot , looking up at me with an expression that could only mean one thing. He wanted affection

I scoot my chair back and lean down , scratching the top of his head and stroking his ears, I could see he was leaning against my hand , trying to get closer .

I slide off my chair and onto the floor , sitting in front of his muzzle as I stroke his back, apparently he wanted more than just affection, since his tummy growls as he turns onto his back

I roll my eyes and stand up , stretching my limbs as I walk into the kitchen , grabbing the huge tin box of dog food from on top of the fridge for Buddy .

I put it on the floor and fill his bowl , I was honestly surprised he hadn't followed me into the kitchen like he normally does when I'm giving him food , so I decide to get him a treat out too , now he definitely should be trotting into the room since they smelt like chicken, I could even smell it faintly....he still didn't come in the strange

I stand up , treat in my hand still , and walk back into my office, surprised to find Buddy sniffing around in the coal sack bag and his paws seem to be burying something in it

My eyes widened once I realised it's a piece of paper, I rush to Buddy and gently pull him away . I lift the now crumpled up paper up and out of the bag , now seeing it was coded letter Singe was sent

"Bud no , you could have ruined something important " I say to him , he whimpers and nuzzled me , licking my cheek as if to apologise .I sigh, I can't stay mad at this dog

"Your lucky I love you , you boofer" Buddy's tail wagged slightly and he sniffed the letter , which I only now realised the letters were oozing down the page....but how ...

I look over to the sack bag.....perhaps that isn't coal....but something else....

I look back at the letter , moving it from Buddy's continually sniffing nose and giving him a treat to distract him eyes widening and my throat growing dry at what it read....

'Your Next ' was scrawled against the page, still dribbling down....wait a minute...if this was sent to Singes house....then that means ....

Oh god...

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