Chapter 1 Drunk in love

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[***The story you are about to read is intended for mature readers due to its sexual content and language. It may not be appropriate for all audiences. Please read at your own discretion.***]


Chapter 1

(Drunk in love)

Aiden's P.O.V.

Here I am at the club waiting on all my friends to show. I wanted to pick Ari up, but she said she would just ride with Caleb since her friend was in town. I wish I knew what was up with this girl, we go out on dates and cuddle on the couch, I’ve even tried to go in for a kiss but she always turns and gives me a hug.

I understand she had a lot of shit happen with her ex but man I've watched her kiss Caleb and not flinch so why won't she kiss me. Why do I even care? I mean I told Caleb just the other night that Ari and I weren't into each other that way, but I know that was a lie on my part, not so sure on hers. I actually think the girl has stupidly fallen for Caleb, which is only going to end up with her heartbroken.

The thought of that girl hurt because of my friend pisses me off. The thing is I know he cares for her too, but is to much of a chicken shit that he just gives her up, letting me try and move in, what good that has done.

I’ve seen the way they look at each other, the way they get jealous when the other gets to close with the opposite sex and there is no denying the chemistry between them. I'm thinking it's just time to give up on anything more than friends with her. As hot and amazing of a girl that she is, we just don't have that chemistry that they have.

I was still deep in thought when I looked up to see the girl in question walk in looking just as beautiful as always, but as I took in the group, I was literally stunned speechless at the redheaded beauty walking next to her. That must be her friend Callie, why oh why did she have to be a red head. If you were to ask me my type when it came to girls this stunning girl would fit it to a T. Of course my dream girl would be best friends with the girl I am kinda dating, just my luck.

I said hello to everyone and then pulled Ari into a hug, deciding to try for that kiss again mostly just to prove to Caleb when I told him she wasn't into me. Of course to no surprise she turned and gave me the cheek. I couldn't help but notice Callie shake her head at this. I gave Caleb a see what I mean look but he just shrugged.

After a few drinks all the girls went out to the dance floor and then most of us guys followed suit well all but Caleb who sat there with his eyes glued to Ari, god they made me sick. Just tell each other how you feel already.

A few minutes later I looked up to see some slutty blonde all over Caleb so to keep Ari from seeing and getting upset I pulled her to me. We all danced for a while until the girls decided they wanted to get a drink. As soon as we walked up to the table the they all looked like they wanted to throw up at the sight of this blonde on Caleb. I mean it's not like she was ugly but she was nowhere near as stunning as the group of girls we were with.

I could see Ari getting upset so I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. I just have this instinct to want to protect her, to keep her from hurting. Maybe being friends is for the best. Sometimes I feel more like her big brother than anything else.

I'm pretty sure me trying to protect her was probably a mistake though. Caleb didn't seem to happy about it and decided it was time for him to go, taking the blonde with him. I felt Ari stiffen as he asked if she could find another ride home.

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