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Popping open a beer, I took a big swig, before going back to my search. Man where the hell did I put those candles? I can't believe it's been five years. Five years since the best and worst day of my life. Five years since my wonderful, perfect little boy was born and five years since I sat in that street holding the woman I love more than life itself as I felt her life slipping through my hands.

Awe, there are those damn candles, I thought as I pulled them out of the drawer near the fridge. I was about to walk back outside, when the two most important people in my life, came walking through the back door. "Daddy! Daddy, when do I get to open presents." Cade whined.

“Caden, honey you have to wait for everyone to get here. Levi will be here soon, don't you want to play with him?” I asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I guess. What about Alex? Is Alex coming?" He asked looking up at me, so much excitement in his eyes.

"Well, I'm sure son, She is Levi's baby sister. So I'm sure she will be coming too." I said patting his head.

He rolled his eye's "Dad she's not a baby. She's almost four and if you call her baby she will probably kick you." He said wide eyed.

I laughed "You are probably right son," I said ruffling his hair before he took off out of the house. "How is it our little boy knows so much? He's right about Alex, if I call her baby or say she's little she would kick me. She's so much like her mom it's scary."

 "Oh Aiden, are you scared of a three-year-old?" She said leaning down to plant her lips on mine. But before she could step away, I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her into my lap.

"I'm not scared of anything sweetheart," I said before bringing my lips back to hers. Her hands started moving, gliding from my chest down to my already hard cock. Even after five years, one-kiss and I'm ready for her. "Mmm, baby unless you plan to finish this, you better stop right now." I said raising an eyebrow at her.

She smiled and stood up “Later baby I promise.” She said before walking back outside.

Man I loved that woman to death. If I would have lost her that night, It's still hard to even think about. The doctors say she died three times. Once in my arms and then two more times on the operating table, but she did what I asked, and she fought. I almost lost them both that night. When the car hit, it ruptured her uterus and caused a lot of problems. I know she's sad she can't have any more children but myself well I still have her and the most amazing little boy in the world, I could never ask for more.

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