Chapter 2 Keeping it a secret

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Chapter 2

(Keeping it a secret)

Callie's P.O.V.

I woke up with a splitting headache. Looking around the room it took me a minute to remember where I was. “shit” I hissed as I felt an arm tighten around me. Seeing the dark haired god lying next to me brought all the memories from last night flooding back. “Shit” I said again a little louder this time.

“Aiden?” I asked nudging his shoulder.

“Mmmm Callie” He moaned. The way he said my name caused goosebumps to explode across my body, making me shiver in want. I have to say last night was hot as hell. By far the best sex of my life, but this is Ari's Aiden. What am I thinking?

Okay yeah she's told me she really doesn't feel anything more than friendship towards him and I’m pretty sure she's in love with her roommate but, it's just not something you do. Not with your best friends guy. So why am I sitting here wanting to go for round three, damn why did this sexy man have to be so damn good in bed?

I was still in my thoughts when I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist. I was so out of it I literally jumped off the bed bringing the sheet that had covered us with me, leaving Aiden laying there in all his glory.

Of course my eyes had a mind of their own traveling down his body all the way to his very aroused member. It took me a minute to look away and back at his face where I was met with one hell of a beautiful smirk. One I wanted to both smack off and kiss at the same time.

“If you like something you see honey, don't hesitate, it's all yours for the taking.” He said giving me a little wink. Ah man, so he thinks he's hot shit huh?

“Actually all I was thinking was that I could have swore it was bigger last night. Those damn drunk goggles always making me see things.” I said smirking as I watched his fade.

In ll honesty it looked just as big and gloriously beautiful as it did last night, but I wasn't going to give him the upper hand here. Also a few insults never hurt in getting rid of a guy either.

Without another word I turned and made my way to the shower. Hopefully he will be gone, before I get back out. I had just stepped in after waiting for the water to warm, when my back was pushed hard into the tile and I was lifted up, as Aiden pounded right into me. “SHITTTTT!!!” I screamed out from the pain of not being ready for him, but as he kept moving that pain eased and I found myself moving with him.

“Uh, so still not seem as big?” He asked as he continued to pump into me.

“Just shut up and take me.” I moaned and that is exactly what he did. I continued to ride him as he thrust harder and harder into me until we were both screaming out each others names. It wasn't until he was pulling out that I thought about protection. “Shit did you use a condom?” I shrieked, I could not deal with a baby and I couldn't seem to find a birth control that didn't make me extremely ill.

“Don't worry I came prepared” he said as I saw him remove the used condom and then toss it at the bathroom trash.

“Oh thank god, I’m not on any birth control so I was about to freak.” I said covering my face with my hands.

“Look at me honey” He said as he lifted my chin. I dropped my hands and looked up into his deep brown eye's.

“If this” he said gesturing between us. “Ever got you knocked up, I would be there. I know we just met but if I got you pregnant you would never have to worry when it came to me. I would take care of my responsibility and I would take care of you.” He said kissing my nose.

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