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"Where have you been Malia." My mom said as I walked in putting bags down.

"Work then I went out with a friend." I shrugged.

"No Malia you haven't been home in days me and your brother been worried about you out here in these streets. You is not grown, you check in with me when you do something shit, you barely come home living your brother here all day when im at work." She said walking in the kitchen.

"Now what's these music videos my friends said they daughters been listening too they said you been cussing and talking about sex. Fast ass I hope you been taking them birth control pills." She warned.

"I wanna be a rapper momma. I paid off all the bills for you one day imma take you and Malik out these projects and you won't have to work and im not out here fucking ion know what put that in your head ."

S/n ion know if I gave her brother a name if I did my bad but it's Malik right now

She stared at me for a few seconds and then spoke.

"Thank you baby I was stressing how I was gon pay everything because I didn't wanna ask you for anything. If that's what you want to do just don't be so explicit because younger girls will look up to you but be you. You pay for a studio?" She asked me pouring some coffee.

"Nah I met this guy his name is Lamar and hes produces and make beats. He's trying open up a studio downtown but we go to his cousins house you know that little boy Tae you use always give snacks too when we was little?" I asked.

"Oh yeah I know his mother. So everything is free?" She asked.

"I offered it to him but he said No,he's a really nice guy." I said truthfully.

"How old is he Malia I know that look, you like him." She smirked.

"Huh." I said scratching my head tryna walk back to my room.

"You heard what I said girl he better not be over 18 Malia." She yelled after me.

"He's old enough just know that." I said walking in my room.

"I know you finna talk to me.Why you haven't been around them fast ass girls.I seen them with a group of guys on my way to work." She said.

"I cut them off you don't have to worry about them no more." I said going through my emails.

"Good they was corrupting my babies mind. I'm finna go to the grocery store im cooking sunday dinner tommrow ask that Lamar guy to come over so I can meet him he been keeping you away from me all these nights." She said leaving out.

I told her okay and read through some.

Dear Ivy,

This is Regina Mathews and we see you are a up and coming female artist and would like to set up a interview with you so your fans can learn who you really are on our youtube page. Please contact my personal down below if you are interested.

I scrolled down more and seen I had another one and decided to go on youtube to see if this was legit and a whole bunch of artist I knew popped up. I facetime Lamar to see what he was doing and tell him.

He answered on the third ring.

"Wassup beautiful." He said.

"Chilling just got home,where you going." I said noticing he was in the car.

"Finna go get some Mexican food. I just left Tae house they want you to do another feature because the song hit a million views on youtube today." He said.

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