To have a heart.
To have a heart is to feel pain
Anguish and betrayal of the worst kind
It is to be pulled under by wave after wave of emotion
Dragged down by the current
It is to be invested in so many lives apart from oneself
To see the cracks in the beauty
Connected to all to the point of exhaustion
To be helpless in the face of misery and torment
To have a heart is to give up oneself for the sake of others
Yet, when everyone has a heart
It is unyielding support in the face of every challenge
It is light in the darkness
It is to never be alone even when the world seems to turn her back to life
It is to scream praise to whatever may be held dear
It is to know the world is not perfect, but instead beautiful, for no matter its flaws love can be found
It is to never be silent and be spoken for when one is too weak to speak
It is to problems that can be resolved when they are addressed
It is people working together because no one is more important than another,
Because everyone has a heart
Everyone can feel pain
Everyone has felt lost
Everyone can be found
Scars can be healed
Scars can be told
Because each one is a story
A lesson
That should never be forgotten
Least we forget, that we all have a heart
And the moment it stops beating
Will be the death of us all.