Bucky Barnes | Men are complicated

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It was known to all the people that James Buchanan Barnes was a ladies man back in forties. It's been few months, since he joined Avengers with a huge help coming from Steve and Sam as well - though he wouldn't let anyone know, he actually cared. Everyone knew that those three were the closest at the base. And no one would ever question that.
When Bucky regained most of his memories, however, he started acting up just like he was before. A ladies man. Not actually trying to sleep with the girls, he had that much self control, much to Tony's surprise. But he never held back flirting and making the girls and women want more of him. It wasn't surprising, he was a very handsome man, after all.
You were quite a lot at the Avengers base, because you were sister of Clint Barton - which put you a lot in a tough spot, because whenever you tried to play along with Bucky's play, Clint was always informed by someone and he practically threw you over his shoulder, locking you up in his room. Who cared that you were already an adult anyway?! No one... They wouldn't even notice, because you had a baby face.

It's not like you were some flirt, it was just that you had a huge crush on Mr. Barnes and was hoping, that he would open up to you and not only flirt with you. But whenever you tried to dig up more about him, not really through flirting, he started to ignore you. It was like a silence war, he wouldn't even fight. Sometimes, it's worse when he just shuts up and doesn't speak anymore, at that time you wish, he would say anything. Because all you ever wanted was just a serious conversation. He didn't want to talk about his personal life, however. He didn't let you know anything, you just knew things from others. Maybe, he wasn't interested in you at all... You would understand if he just said he is not interested and only flirts to let the steam off. Or you at least thought so....

"Why is a girl like you drinking alone?" The, oh,  so familiar voice echoed behind you.

You we're sitting at the bar in the base. Most of the Avengers we're on mission, including your brother. The others we're just somewhere, leaving you alone here, now with Bucky.
"Thinking... " you replied without looking at him, taking a sip of your wine.

Just because you were at the bar, didn't mean you needed to get drunk. Not after seeing Tony drinking here and Steve trying to get him stop. All that watched by laughing Thor, who couldn't get drunk of alcohol from the Earth. That was something to watch.

"About? Because you look down." He said, sitting on the stall next you. You we're sincerely surprised, he even noticed, after ignoring you for yet another day.

"I'm trying to figure out men. Why are they so complicated?" You asked, glancing at him for the first time. He was looking right at you with concern in his eyes.

"Men? No... Women are complicated." He announced amused.

"That is known worldwide and I'm not saying otherwise, but I didn't think men would be like that." You said shaking your head, taking another sip of your wine.

You knew that this conversation was soon to be over. Because it always happened. And the silence war will be on again. Because of you. Damn, you were even to scared to confess your feelings because of the fear of being rejected.
"So there is someone, who is being complicated?" He asked nonchalantly. But something seemed off. You bite your lip, getting an idea. Maybe you could trigger him into something more than flirting...

"Yeah, I had feelings for him for quite a while now." You said, circling your fingers around the glass. The liquid almost gone.

"And what's the problem?" Bucky asked, tapping with his fingers on the bar table.

"I can't seem to understand him, but maybe I should just confess to him." You said so suddenly, standing up from the stall and turning on your heel.

"What, now?" James did quickly the same, taking your wrist in his.

Of course, you wouldn't go to confess your feelings to anyone because you were talking about him, but then again, you wouldn't confess to him either. So, you saw this as a last resolution. Truth to be told, however, you we're nervous as hell. But you had to go through this.

"Yes. Why should I wait? I was suffering a lot for this and I can't just sit back and watch him, being with other women." You said in a strong voice, but deep inside you prayed, so it would hit him. "Thanks for the talk... " you said releasing his grip on your wrist, making few more steps forward. You walked slow but confident.

Bucky downed your wine and took after you, hugging you from behind. Your heart skipped a beat.

"James?" You asked, not being sure about this situation. What was going on through his head, being suddenly like this. But you weren't going to lie, you loved the hug.
"Let go of that idiot, if he didn't notice anything...your attention should have showed him... Just being by you, he should have been happy and not be with other women. What's the point of liking him? Why can't you like someone else... Someone like... " Now, that was more sentences at once he said to you, beside flirting and he was was blabbering as well.

"So basically... " you licked your lips, deciding to come out clean. "You are telling me to give up on you." You said quickly. And the hug became lose. At that moment, it sank. You just made the worst mistake in your life. You did something you feared the most.

Bucky turned you slowly towards to face him. But you closed your eyes, you couldn't bare to see the rejection in his eyes, he was about to say you.

"Oh no, young lady, you're not giving up on me." He whisperes softly. Your eyes flattered open.
"I am not?" You whispered back. Bucky just smiled, which made you even more confused.

"No... " he shook his head. "Uhm... You know, I thought that someone like you wouldn't want someone like... Wel, me." He motined to his metal arm, but before you could speak, he started again. "Flirting with other women was kind of helping to to be distracted, but the feeling was never full. And I was happy about those times, we could flirt together."
"Before I was being sack thrown over my brother's shoulder." You mumbled into his explanation.

"Which always is pretty entertaining to watch." He commented, grinning. "Anyway, I couldn't get you out of my head, even being with all those women. That's why I never went further than flirting. You were always the center of my attention."

You stood there dumbstruck. All your suffering for him to confess his feelings for you. You felt a pang of anger but then again, this is all you dreamed about.
"You are quite a smooth talker, you know that..." You stated, not knowing what else to say.

"I'm shaking on the inside." Bucly chuckled, slipping his arms around you waist, pulling you closer.

"Oh, are you? Who would have thought that this could happen...?" You wrapped your arms around his neck.
You two were looking at each other, small smiles playing on your faces that were only inches from touching. It was just about time to close your eyes and tilt your head, when there was loud slam of the door.

"NO!" Was a loud shout coming from Clint, who was running to you and throwing you over his shoulder, yet again. But you really struggled.  "Not gonna happen, dude." Clint said to Buck, who watched the scene, quite entertained.


Hello, this is me again and another imagine. This time with Bucky :3 How did you like it? I'm so sorry for mistakes I made. I didn't have quite much time since the wifi here works as it likes, so meh...
Is there anyone who wants to request an imagine? Don't be stared to ask ^^
I might be doing some introducion of myself as well for those, who are curious :)

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