TJ Hammond | Forty more years

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Sometimes, life brings very interesting things to you and even though, you don't notice, other people do. Well, that's one way to start gossip and rumors. But when the gossip and rumors come true, that's getting a bit out of hand. You wouldn't mind to some extent. To be more specific, you didn't mind up until now. Now, it was a time to care more than ever. You felt in a cricis.

You were now at the age of getting married and creating your own family. It sounds amazing, right? Of course, it does. The only problem was, you couldn't find a normal straight man, who would love you for who you are and would like to spend their life with you. No, you had this amazing ability of getting in relationship with a man, that thinks he is straight or bisexual, and suddenly he comes to you, saying he is gay and how grateful they are to you for helping them to find out. That's just something perfect.

It went this way and like this since your high school. Your every boyfriend turned out to be gay. Every. Single. One. And the worst thing is, your best friend had always told you, what was going to happen. You just didn't want to listen to him. There must have been happiness for you somewhere!
Yet again, however, you came storming into TJ's apartment.

"Alright, I'm giving up! I'm done with all of them!" You stomped into his living room, plopping on the couch, right after he opens the door for you. "You know what?" You look at him. "I'll just become lesbian. I might be lucky then."

TJ chuckled, walking to you and kneeling before you with a gentle smile. Only you knew this side of him. When he was with you, he could be himself, without taking drugs. He could be who he wanted to be. That's what you loved about your friendship.

"Although, you might be right, it's not that easy, sweetheart." He said gently, rubbing your knees. "You would have known, you were lesbian after few relationships. Just like they did." He signed.

TJ was very familiar with your case and problem. He was making fun of it, when you were younger but with you getting older, he came to understand your feelings better. He felt really bad, seeing you so disappointed and sad. It broke his heart, actually. He wished he could help you, but you both knew that he is as straight as cooked spaghetti.

"Is something wrong with me?" You asked soflty, looking into his eyes, your own starting tearing up a bit. "What's so bad about me?!" You screamed, getting histeric.

"Nothing is wrong about you." TJ climbed on the couch and pulled you into a hug. "You are perfect, (Y/N). It's just, you haven't met the right man, yet." He sighed, kissing your hair.

You were clutching on his shirt, calming down ever so slightly. "You know what...?" You said suddenly, he only hummed in response. "Let's just die together, if we don't find anyone until our seventies." You said which made your best friend laugh.

"Seventy, yeah? At least, you aren't losing your hope." He kept laughing a little.

"Forty more years to go." You cracked as well, grinning at him. His hug always did its job comforting you. You just couldn't give up, not just yet. Even without TJ talking, you knew,he would tell you that. "Thank you for being here for me, hon." You smiled gratefully at him.

"Oh no, I thank YOU for being there always for me and helping me out of my shit." He chuckled.

"Yeah... We would completely die without each other." you chuckled.

You both were quiet for a while, hugging each other, with your head on his chest. Anyone would think how perfect couple you would be, if they just knew, however...

Suddenly, you heard TJ him some song and starting to sign.. It would be nice, he just couldn't sing, tho. You cringed and tapped his chest.

"I'm not that desperate buddy." You laughed.

"Alright, alright. If you can't appreciate my singing talent, would you appreciate piano?" He huffed in annoyance as a joke.

"That's something I will always love." You grinned, letting him move to the piano.

Damn, only forty years and you might be listening to him playing every day. You chuckled at your thinking.


Hello peeps, I am here with another imagine and this one is on TJ. I know, it's not the best I have ever wrote, but the idea hit me in the class of math, when my brain works the least. :D Sorry. Anyway, I hoped you enjoy~
There's also only Josh imagine to write and the "line series"  will begin. Are you ready for that? :)
Also, thank you all my readers for reading these imagines :3

~ Carol

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