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^^Ryan's Outfit^
Ryan's POV -4:15 am-
I groan as I hear my alarm go off. I grab my phone and snooze it and then throw the covers off of me. I rub my eyes and look on the mirror across from me. I let out a scream and cover my mouth. I have mascara all under my eyes and my hair is a mess. I look like shit basically. I try to run my fingers through my hair but that only frizzes it more. I groan again and then walk to my closet and grab an outfit and then walk to my bathroom and start the shower. I strip and hop in.

Once I'm done, I get out and dry off then throw on my clothes. I put some product in my now tame hair and let it air dry. I slip some white vans on and then spray some perfume and apply some mascara. I put deodorant on and then grab my bags and toss them off the banister and they land on the couch. I debate I I shoulder jump to but then remember that I'm super fucking tired and not thinking straight. I shut the idea down immediately and then walk back in my room. I grab my phone and changer and then jog downstairs. I sit down next to my bags just as the doorbell rings. I spit out some cuss words and then get up and answer the door. Jill stands there with a big smile
"I'm not happy." I say and she laughs
"I've noticed." She says and I laugh a little
"Are you ready?" She asks and I nod. We both bring my 3 bags out to her car and I then jog back upstairs and pack my laptop and changed in a backpack and then jog back downstairs and outside. I lock the door with my keys and then walk to her car. I get in the front and then she closes the trunk and then gets in the drivers side. She backs out and heads to her brother, Skate's house.

Once we arrive, I see multiple cars and a bunch of cute guys. A few that look older and two that look a little younger. Jill parks along the side walk and turns the car off. And then turns to me
"They are very flirtatious at first so if they start hitting on you, just ignore it. And I'm sure Skate will introduce you to them." She says and I nod. I grab my phone and then open the door. Jill gets out and accidentally slams the door. She makes a face and I laugh. Her doors close with a soft push so if Your used to having to push hard to close car doors, don't drive in her car. I close my door and she locks it. All the guys that are either sitting in the back of a truck or leaning against it, look at us. I only recognize Skate, who walks up to us and shoves Jill and then hugs me. I laugh and hug him back.
"Fuck you." Jill says and he laughs and hugs her.
"So she convinced you to come?" He asks looking at me and I nod
"Sadly yes." I say and he laughs
"Well it'll be fun." He says and I sigh
"I hope so, cuz every time I go on vacation with Jill, she gets arrested or almost kills her self." I say and she laughs and shrugs
"It's called fun." She says
"It's called immature." I say and she laughs.
"Call it what ever you want." She says and I shove her lightly.
"Your just pissed cuz you've never experienced fun." She says
"Yes I have. I jumped off a 40 foot cliff into some random lake that you found on the way to Colorado."  I say and she nods
"Ok. Once. But Your just too goodie goodie." She says and I give her a look.
"Am not." I say and she rolls her eyes
"Sureee." She says and I flip her off. Skate laughs and shakes his head
"14 years of friendship. And y'all argue over fun." He says and we both flip him off. He rolls his eyes and walks towards the group of guys. Jill follows him and I follow after her. All the guys scan my body. A few bite their lips. A blonde boy looks at the guys and rolls his eyes and jumps out of the truck and walks to me.
"Hi I'm Johnson." He says extending his hand. I laugh and shake it.
"I'm Ryan." I say and he smiles
"Pretty name." He says and I smile.
"Thank you." I say and he nods and then goes back into the truck
"Damn. It must've hurt when you fell from heaven." An unnatural blonde says. I roll my eyes. How original.
"No but she scraped her knee crawling up from hell with me." Jill says and I laugh. The guys face goes to Jill and then back to me
"That's why she's so fucking hot." He says and I make a face
"Ok. That's a good come back." I say and they all laugh.
"That's Sammy, Jack, Swazz, Hayes and Tez." Skate says and I wave to them. They all smile or wave back
"I'm Ryan." I say and they nod
"Her eyes are up here, Tez." Jill says pointing to my eyes. Tez rolls his and flips her off
"I wasn't looking at her boobs." He says and I laugh. Jill laughs and smiles
"I know. It's just fun to do that." She says and I shake my head
"Ok. We should start heading to the airport. We are taking two different cars. Uhhh. Jill take the range." Skate says to her and she dances around. I laugh and shake my head
"We'll get yours bags Ryan. Hayes well take your Jeep." Skate says to Hayes
"I didn't agree on that." Hayes says and Skate shrugs
"I didn't agree on my parents having Jill. Looks like life isn't fair." He says and Jill smacks his arm. He laughs and hugs her.
"Ok, keys Jill." Skate says and she roses him her keys to her car.
"Oh. I need to get something." I say walking with skate and Hayes to Jill's car. Skate unlocks it and I open the door and reach in and grab my backpack and phone charger. I also grab my keys and put them in my bag.
"Why do girls pack so much?" Skate asks
"Cuz unlike guys, we don't wear the same shirt and underwear everyday." I say closing my door. He laughs and nods
"Touché." He says and I laugh. They grab my three bags, which in all reality is one suitcase, a duffle bag and another backpack. I pack very tightly so I can fit a lot in three bags. But my clothes are in the suitcase and duffle, while swimsuits, makeup and underwear are in the backpack. Shoes are also in the duffle bag. We all walk back to the group and Skate and the guys start loading stuff in the trunk of the Range Rover and also in Hayes's Jeep.

Finally after about 30 minutes, everything is loaded. Now we are talking about who goes with who.
"Ryan is obviously going with me." Jill says and I nod.
"Ok, then Hayes will go with me. Swazz and Johnson. And Sammy and the rest with you guys." He says
"No. Sammy's going with us. He plays good music." Jill says
"Ok. That's fine. We need to leave. Like now." Skate says and we all laugh and then head in the direction of the cars. Jill and I get in the front of the range and then the boys get in the back. Range rovers are actually really spacious so they surprisingly aren't squished together.
"Ready?" Jill asks and everyone says yes. She starts the car and then backs out. Once she's out of the driveway, she speeds off down the road.
"God damnit, Jill." I say laughing. She's laughing hard too. The boys are laughing also. She stops at a red light and wipes under her eyes
"Skates gonna be pissed." She says and if on que, skate pulls up next to her.
"You better be fucking careful Jillian." He says and she laughs
"Sorry." She says and then speeds off again. I shake my head and she slows down as we reach a main road. My phone dings and I look at it.
"Skate said to tell you to cut it out or one of us will have to drive." I read and she laughs
"I will. Jesus." She says and I shake my head smiling.
"So, Ryan. How old are you?" Tez asks
"19. You?" I ask
"19 also."
"I'm 21." Jack says chiming in
"And I'm 22." Sammy says
"And I'm 20." Jill says and I laugh
"Yes Jill. We know." I say
"Single or taken?" Tez asks
"Single." I say
"Single also." He respond back
"Same." Sammy and Jack say at the same time
"Ethnicity?" Tez asks and I laugh
"Well, funny thing. Half Puerto Rican, half white." I say and he laughs
"I'm black." Tez says and I turn around with a serious look
"I thought you were white." I say and we both laugh.
"We'd make some cute kids." Tez says and Jill shake her head
"A little too strong Tez. Just a little." She says and he laughs.
"What do you do for a living?" Tez asks
"I'm a wannabe model." I say and he laughs
"Why wannabe?" He asks
"I have yet to be picked up by an agency, so for now I use Instagram." I say.
"Ooo, what's your Instagram?" Tez asks and I laugh
"Ryan Quinn and then an underscore." I say. There's silence and then my phone dings with three notifications. I look at them and see that a three of the guys followed me. I laugh and then quickly follow them back.
"Where are you originally from?" He asks
"Nebraska." I say and Jack gasps
"I'm from Nebraska!" He says excitedly and I laugh
"What part?" I ask
"Omaha. You?" He asks.
"Lincoln." I say and Jill laughs
"Oh my god we must throw a wedding. You both live in Nebraska." Jill says and I laugh. So do the guys.
"Can you twerk?" Sammy asks and me and Jill laugh
"What? It's a serious question?" He says with a laugh
"Yes she can. Have you seen her butt?" Jill asks with a laugh. I shake my head smiling
"I can when I have enough alcohol in me." I say and Tez ooo's
"Underage drinking?" He asks and I look at him
"Don't act like you haven't done it before." I say and he shrugs
"Maybe I have, Maybe I haven't." He says and I laugh and turn back around
"Ever smoked?" Sammy asks
"Cigarettes or?" I ask
"Weed." He says and I laugh a little
"She's the one the was doing the tricks with the smoke, that I posted on my story the other day." Jill says.
"Ohhh! Well then damn, Your my type of girl." Sammy says and I laugh.
"It's not often trust me." I say and he laughs. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

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