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^^Her outfit minus the heels^^
Ryan's POV -Later the next night—
I add a little more lipgloss and then walk out and throw on my black heels. I spray some perfume and make sure my hair is ok. I grab my phone and put some money and ID in my case. I then walk out of the room and downstairs
"Ryan hurry up! We are waiting on you!" I hear Jill yell
"Oh shut up. You just got down here 3 minutes ago." I say walking down the final flight of stairs
"Exactly. You should've been down here with me at that time." She says and I roll my eyes
"Ok. Let's go." Skate says grabbing the keys. Jill and I link arms and walk out with the He guys trailing behind us. We both get in the car and go to the very back, Hayes joining us. Once everyone is in, skate backs out and heads to where ever this place is.

"You can't fuck with me if you wanted to!" Me and Jill scream as cardi b plays on the radio. We aren't at the place yet but me and Jill are already
"Look, I don't dance now, I make money moves!" I yell
"Say I don't gott dance I make money moves!" Jill yells
"Shut the fuck up!" Swazz yells
"Fuck you!" I yell chucking a water bottle at the front seat.
"Jesus Ryan." Sammy says laughing
"Shut up." I say. Skate pulls into the driveway of some house and turns the car off.
"Out children." He says and we all laugh. Everyone makes their way out, me and Jill getting help cuz we have heels on, and then follows skate inside. Once you walk inside, alcohol and weed is all you smell. There's a lot of people here already, dancing and shit. There's black lights and speakers blaring music.
"Holy shit!" I yell to Jill over the music
"I know!" She yells back. Skate motions for us to follow him as the guys go and do whatever.
"Stay together got it?" He asks us and we nod.
"Skate!" A dude with floppy brown hair says to skate and they bro hug.
"Who are these lovely ladies?" He asks looking at us
"That's Jill, my sister, and Ryan, her really good friend. Guys this is Derek." Skate says and something clicks in my head
"I've heard about you from the other guys!" I say and he smiles
"All Good things I hope." He says and I nod laughing.
"I'm about to go talk to Dillon. Wanna come?" Derek asks skate and he nods
"Be safe. Don't drink anything the smells weird. And don't leave your drinks unattended." Skate says to us and we nod laughing. Him and Derek walk away and I sigh.
"On that note, let's go get a drink." Jill says and I nod. This time we hold hands and make our way to the bar
"There's a drink called adios motherfucker." I say to Jill reading the little menu. She laughs and shakes her head
"I want the vodka lemonade please." She says to the guy and he nods
"I'll have one too." I say and he nods. It's open bar so you don't have to pay. We watch as he shakes shit and pours shit until yellow the kinda fades into blue drink is poured into two glasses
"Enjoy." He says to us and we thank him.
"Cheers!" I yell and we clink our glasses. She takes a drink and makes a face
"It's strong and sour." She says and I laugh. I take a drink and nod
"But it's good." I say and she nods
"Why hello." I hear someone say. We both turn and look. There stands Tez and Hayes. Also Johnson.
"Hi." I say with a smile
"What are you drinking?" Tez asks
"Vodka lemonade." I answer
"Try it." I add. I hand him the glass and he takes a drink and makes a face
"Holy shit that's strong." He says with a cough and I nod laughing
"Hayes you looked high." Jill says and I laugh
"I'm not trust me." He says and I give him a look
"I'm not!" He exclaims
"He kinda is." Johnson says and I laugh.
"So I heard you and G kisses last night." Johnson asks
"You and Gilinsky kissed?!" Jill asks looking at me
"I meant to tell you." I say laughing taking another drink. I'm used to it by now so I don't really make a face.
"Gilinsky came into the room with a huge ass smile." Johnson says and I laugh
"Did you jump into the pool last night?" Hayes asks and I nod
"Yea. We were playing truth or dare." I say and he nods.
"Where is Gilinsky anyway?" I ask
"Not sure. He wandered off with Dillon somewhere." Tez says and I nod and I look at Jill. She's legit almost done with her drink.
"Jillian." I say with a laugh
"I'm not drunk!" She reassures me
"Not said you were honey." Hayes says and she flips him off finishing her drink. It's a small glass but strong as heck. Im almost done with mine but that's just because Tez keeps drinking off of it. Once it's finished, Jill and I stand up
"Let's go dance!" She yells grabbing Tez's hand and pulling him to the dance floor. Or the huge ass living room with no furniture that is for now the dance floor
"She's drunk." I say and the guys nod. We join them and just dance our little hearts out.

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