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I ran through the forest, adrenaline coursing through my veins. The ground a blur underneath my paws, the thrill of this causing me to run faster. The smell of the ground, trees, and damp earth filling my lungs. Alongside me are eight other wolves, paws all silent and headed in the same direction, toward the smell of fresh meat and blood, the deer come into view. We surround the edges of the clearing, sealing all escape routes, we attack. Clawing at the soft fleshy hides, dodging the huge racks of antlers and frenzy of panicked hoofs that try to stomp on their attackers, the sound of thudding bodies and growling as one another fight over the newly fallen prize. In minutes the whole herd of deer is dead on the ground being devoured by the pack of wolves responsible for their demise.

After the pack is done feasting, we lay down on the soft grass of the clearing. Falling asleep after the prevail of yet another successful hunt.

When I awake, the first thing that comes to mind is that I'm hungry yet again, even after the filling dinner I had last night. So to fix that problem I get up to go hunting for a rabbit or two. I trot out of the clearing, surveying the ground for tracks of any sort and sniffing the air for a rabbit's scent as well as listening for the thump of their feet. I finally lock onto a rabbit's scent and chase after it. It gives a good chase but it wasn't fast enough and I caught it within the first few minutes. It wasn't even enough to give a feeling of a thrill for the hunt, so I stalk off unsatisfied to hunt for more rabbits. Once my belly is full I head back to the clearing to see if the others are ready to head back.

While I head back to my family, I think of where I left my clothing. I remember walking for a while near the stream not far from the vehicle and then straying to the right of it towards a cliff bottom. Then I found a cave along the wall. Now, where was the cliff now? Guess I'll have to look around. They will not be happy with having to wait for me.

At the opening of the clearing, I see that they have already left to change. I turn around and head in the direction I think I left my clothing. After wandering around for awhile I finally find the cave and head in.

Standing in the middle of the cave, I hunker down and will the change to take control. As soon as I do that, the raging inferno spreads from my arms throughout my spine, my back arching past the point of humanly possible. I convulsed, my bones breaking and knitting back together, muscles a writhing snake of pure agony, rearranging themselves into a new form. The thick hair receding, my paws lengthen into long, thick, gnarled fingers. My face shortening, ears lowering. The pain is unimaginably excruciating. I suck in short ragged breaths to fill my burning lungs, before another convulsion hits, my legs and arms getting pulled out from underneath me, straightening into legs and arms. Finally the last bones snap into place and my muscles stop spasming. I tip over, collapsing onto the cool stone beneath me. Heaving heavy breaths I slowly get up and dress. Still weak from the change, I head for the mouth of the cave.

From the opening of the cave, I'm greeted by the warm sunshine on my face. From there I head for the small stream, I lower myself to my knees and cup my hands in the water, bringing it to my parched lips. It travels over my tongue and into my throat, soothing it on the way down. After getting a fill of water, I head for the truck.

Waiting for me at the truck is Roy, leaning against the bed of the truck with his head resting on his chest and his arms crossed.

"Hi, Roy. Where are the others? I asked.

Roy looks up and uncrosses his arms and heads toward me.

"Kimber, what took you so long, I've been waiting for ten minutes," he says grabbing my shoulders and bringing me into an embrace. I turned my head to look him in the eyes. He's only a few inches taller than me, but that's only because I'm abnormally tall, so I don't need to look up very much to meet his eyes.

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