Memories (pack)

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A Year After the Change.

"Where are we going?" I asked Reed. We were in the car heading onto the back roads of Timberwood forest. I had no idea what was going on. "Are we going for a run?"

"In a way," he said with a little sadness in his voice. Why was he sad? After two hours of driving, we finally came to a stop on the side of the road. We got out and I followed Reed. We walked along a well-used trail till we came to a structure that looked like a garage. Strange, why is there a garage in the middle of nowhere? And why was the stench of unfamiliar scents so strong here, none of them completely human? A man that radiated power came out from behind the building. I growled at him and got into a defensive stance. I didn't like the look of this.

"Stop it, Kimber, have some respect for the Alpha" Reed scolded me. I stopped growling, but I remained in the stance I was in.

"Hello Kimber, I am Roscoe Auden. As you already know I am the alpha of the Pack." Why was he here? What did he want? Why did Reed not seem to be concerned? I had a million questions I didn't have the answers for.

"Kimber, you're going to go with Alpha Auden. He's going to take care of you and protect you," I looked at him in disbelief and I think a bit of betrayal. He was going to leave me with someone I don't even know. "Please don't look at me like that"

"What am I supposed to do? You drag me out here to say that I'm going to be with the Alpha from now on without getting a say in anything that's happening and you expect me to be ok with that!" I yell at him. I felt the heat waves radiating off of my body, I was getting dangerously close to changing. Anything now could push me to the edge.

"Now Kimber, you need to calm down. You don't want to do this, I know that" he said with warning in his voice. "Just calm down, deep breaths."

"Calm down, after what you just did, I don't think so," I ran into the trees, going so fast they were all a blur. I learned how to change while I was on the run about a month ago, even my dad couldn't do it. In no time at all, I was on four legs and running even faster than before. I didn't know where I was going, all I knew was that my father had betrayed me and that I had to get away from the Alpha. I didn't realize until the last moment that the scents that I had smelled around the garage were closing in all around me.

Werewolves of all different colours and absolutely huge jumped out of nowhere cutting off all of my escape routes. Circling around me, studying me, finding my every weakness. I growled, my hackles rising. They may be big but I was probably better at using my wolf form than any of them.

I charged, digging in my claws to get extra traction. They formed a barrier so I wouldn't have a chance at fighting them off. Good thing that wasn't what I was planning. Two feet in front of the biggest brute there, I jumped. I used the back of him to get extra leverage, then I landed in the tree. They all look at me with shock. Well, what is considered to be "shocked" when you're a Wolf. I snorted at them and jumped to the next branch, agile like a cougar. Don't ask how I can do this I just can and as far as I know, I am the only werewolf that can. It's quite fun actually, the first time I tried it I scared the heck out of my dad. Had me laughing so hard I ended up falling out of the tree and landing on top of him.

The werewolves, I've come to the conclusion, are part of the Pack. They ran underneath me and were no doubt trying to figure out how they could either get up here or get me down. I wasn't about to let them catch me by jumping down and they couldn't get up here, so I thought I had won. Nope, they had to go and ruin my fun. Some of them when into the bushes to change and a few were actually able to change while running. I don't know why I was surprised, they were Pack after all. The ones that had changed back to human form started to climb the tree in front of me in an attempt to cut me off. To bad for them that this was a forest and there were more trees then there was them.

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