The Black Wood

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Mae didn't want to enter the gates of hell but she had no other choice. Her head was bleeding and she could feel the frostbite setting in on her toes. Her ball gown was wet an heavy and her curled hair was matted and dirty. She looked ahead at the ancient rope bridge that swung in the phantom breeze and took her chances. 

She took the first step the wood creaking then another skipping over a few rotted planks that were sure to send her flying into the crashing ravines below. Something creaked behind her Mae whipped her head around almost losing her balance and saw nothing. She swallowed hard and went on whispering the lie over and over again 'it's not real'. Of course it was real this forest was known for creature more wicked and terrifying than any nightmare.

 Mae took a shaky breath and continued on the bridge which seemed to go on for forever. Mae gripped the ropes tighter as the bridge began to swing and the fog around her grew thicker. "Hello," a vile voice said from behind her.

"You're not real," she said aloud. Behind her the creature stepped closer laughing it's rancid breath creeping down her neck. "But of course I am." Mae felt a claw brush back a piece of her hair, leaning in closer to her ear. Before the creature whispered anything else she was off. Mae sprinted across that bridge not caring about how fast it swung or if that creature was behind her.

 The fog began to clear ad she could see the end of the bridge leading into the infamous black wood. Three steps before the bridge ended Mae leapt rolling onto the forest floor. She sat up groaning at the pounding in her head. She dared a look back at the bridge and there stood a shadow long horns growing backwards from his head and a sharp toothy smile on his face as he mouthed the name again "Maelle." Mae stood and ran off into the black wood not looking back.

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