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Mae paced in front of the large fireplace another five minutes passing by and Aries still hadn't arrived. It was common courtesy for a host not to be late to dinner with a guest, especially since that guest had been kidnapped. Mae was contemplating making a run for it now running into the night and not looking back. Though she could have stayed in that dining room for a few more minutes just for the beauty of it. The walls were the signature black, red, and gold Amwraithian colors and in the center was a dining table which could comfortably seat six people. The table was covered in a simple linen table cloth set with two places and no center price, nowhere for Mae to hide. 

"Should we start dining," a smooth voice said. Mae spun around to find Aries clad in all black hands in pockets his face a mask of stone. "Your late," Mae said crossing her arms in defiance. He gave her a cocky grin saying, "Well, my dear, you are not the top of my priority list." Mae raised an eyebrow at him the audacity and cockiness in such a young soul took Mae aback. Aries stalked over to one end of the table and pulled out a chair. 

"Would you like to sit?" He asked. She simply walked over to the other end of the table and pulled out her own chair sitting down with as much grace as she could muster. Aries looked at her with that same stare as if she was an anomaly. Finally he took his own seat snapping his fingers. Two men are out holding bowls of what seemed to be soup. It smelled amazing like home. "You do know that it tastes better when you eat it?" Aries sipped his soup not taking his eyes off of her. Mae sipped as well mimicking his gaze. "Why am I here?" She would ask that question until he let her go or killed her. "I already told you, you interest me."

"That can't be the only reason."

"And why not?"

"Because," Mae paused choosing her words carefully "Monsters don't keep pets and even if they do you'll lose interest in me eventually." Aries sipped his wine and set down the glass down with an odd amount of grace. "Fine if you want the truth then I will give it to you." Mae opened up her mouth to speak but he stopped her with a finger. "If," he began "You give me a pleasant dinner. Last week a part of my court visited and the conversation was dull all they did was talk about mortal things." He leaned in closer pinning Mae with a hard gaze. "Tell me Mae what do you most desire?"

"I desire to leave." A wicked laugh from Aries. Mae sat back in her chair arms crossed he was impossible. "Other than that." Mae tapped her foot on the ground and refused to answer. If he wouldn't answer her question then she wouldn't answer his. "Bring out the main course," Aries snapped then stood from his chair "Enjoy your dinner."

"Wait," Mae stood up from her own chair "You promised me the truth."

He turned to face her, "And you promised me an enjoyable dinner not one with a girl who doesn't know her place." Mae would have slapped him on the spot if she didn't want to leave that castle alive. So instead she sat at the table across from him and sipped her wine keeping her mouth shut. "A life with worth is what I desire the most." Mae leaned forward on the table mimicking Aries earlier pose. "Whether I'm meant to live a long life or have it taken away by you as long as I did something worthy in this world." Mae cut into the main course as soon as it was served and the room fell silent. "And what of you?" Mae asked "What is your deepest desire?" He raised a dark brow at her cutting into his own meal before answering. "I desire power. That moment of complete power and control."

"You're lonely." Aries froze staring at her but she ignored him and continued eating. She knew it the moment she entered the castle that Aries may have ruled over the land of nightmares but he was still a lonely monster upon his throne. "Loneliness isn't an important factor. I don't need people." It was Mae's turn to laugh to find so many things wrong with his statement and to list every single one. "Tell me Aries what will happen once you conquer the world? Once you have everyone under the rule of your iron fist what will you do? I will tell you what will happen once you have the world in your hands you will become jealous and bitter and yet the people who you've crushed will find ways to happiness. Once you find their happiness you will crush it all because you don't have your own." As soon as the words left her mouth Mae regretted them and prepared herself for her throat to be splattered against the wall, but Aries kept calm again giving her that stare. Mae's palms began to sweat and the room seemed to become hotter. Sweat ran down her back and she could feel the pieces of hair that had escaped her braid sticking to her face. "Do you know what I'm doing right now?" Aries asked.

 Mae shook her head no the only reason for the sudden heat would be fire but it stayed contain in the fireplace. "I'm heating up the air," Aries said "And if I truly wanted to I could boil your blood inside of the veins, but I'm not going to do that because you're useful to me." Mae gulped down a breath of dry air and stayed still. "So, my dear, do not test me again." Mae nodded yes and the rooms temperature dropped quickly and a cool breeze wrapped around her. Mae looked down and noticed dessert had been served a ramekin filled with chocolate soufflé. Her hand shook slightly as she reached for the spoon and began eating. "You wanted the truth and so I will give it to you. You are pure of heart not a drop of evil blood in your body and I need someone like you."

"For what?" Mae dared to ask.

"My soul," Aries straightened out his black jacket "You are going to save my soul."

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