the disastrous connection

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a.n. get ready for a quick ride bc this somehow went from 0-100 real quick and i'm not even sure how.

Gut feelings. I usually trusted mine and so far it hasn't steered me wrong. I mean, okay, so I shouldn't have done some shit. But at least I was fucking doing something and it's resulted in something.

In front of us stood a crowd of people. They all had guns and several of them were holding back growling and snarling Rottweilers. Several of them were holding them back by two hands. Their eyes were red with bloodthirst and it sparked the fear in me.

I didn't know many of them, but I couldn't really make out most of their faces either because a lot of them were wearing shades (First of all, why?) and I was too focused on the guns pointed our way.

The first face I registered was Luis, the stupid guard who kidnapped me and stepped on my hand. That fucking ass. What a liar, saying that I'd be staying in that fucking hotel.

But maybe he also didn't know because he was scowling as he glowered at every inch of the room. When his eyes landed on me, he sneered and flipped me off.

I stuck my tongue out at him because childishness be damned. He was an asshole and I didn't give a shit if I was being immature. He could go fuck himself.

The next person I turned to was Gabriel, but it seemed like I was the last one to do so because everyone else was already facing him, glaringly. But Gabriel didn't seem to be guilty of anything or even smug. In fact, he was shielding Katrina from Leland's view and his face was stormy.

I bet he was cursing himself in his head. Hah, served the asshole right for leading us into this mess.

"What the fuck," Arthur cursed. I felt his hand grasp my wrist and pull me backwards. North took a step in front of me and then my view was only of their backs.

I exhaled aggravatedly.

"Kat, sweetheart, come to daddy," Leland's slimy voice crooned at Katrina.

I glanced at the girl who was practically in the same position as I was. Being blocked by a male and in front of a demon. Damn, were we really gonna be the stereotypical damsel in distresses.

"Come on, sweetheart. It's daddy."

Gabriel's lips were moving but his voice was too quiet for me to hear. Katrina seemed to hear him just fine though and her response was to nod, taking hold of the back his shirt, shutting her eyes, and covering her ears.

"Shut up, Gabriel! That is my daughter!" Leland shouted when none of his crooning worked to get Katrina on his side.

"No. You shut the fuck up! You've been holding her captive for too long," Gabriel thundered, standing taller.

Leland scoffed. "As if I was the first person to hold her captive," he says tauntingly. "I was just making her comfortable."

Confused, I tried to peek around Arthur's form and I caught Leland's eye. There was a wicked glint in his slightly annoyed stance. "Kaia," he called out, saccharinely. "Would you like to know a fun fact about what your parents had been up to in the last few years?"

Brows furrowing, I turned to my parents behind me and they looked ashen. Their gazes darted from me to Katrina to Leland, worried. When I turned to Katrina, I saw the way Gabriel's face stiffened even more and his hands clenched tighter into a fist, going white.

Katrina was still trying to block Leland's voice out, but covering her ears didn't seem to be enough because, as Leland started to speak, her eyes popped open and landed squarely on me. And I watched as her gaze slowly transformed.

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