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The moment of hope before you realize the truth, they never cared, you were just a stupid pawn in their game, your nothing to them, you don't matter, the moment that realization hits you can be the worst moment of your life, you feel lonely, sad, angry, you feel luke your world is falling apart, or exploding, you really thought you found someone that cared, you were wrong, people can be savages they will rip your heart out and stomp on it leaving it broken on the floor, they don't care if they hurt you, survival of the fittest you know, after a while you feel empty inside you don't trust anymore, why would you? You know how people can be, you know that pain, and that's something you can't forget, believe me guard your heart against some people, choose your friends wisely or you could end up more broken than ever, you could end up with that pain that the one person you thought loved you is gone, forever and they will never care again.

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