A couple years ago our goat Wilma gave birth to two beautiful baby goats a boy and a girl the girl was Cocoa and the boy was Barney, Wilma got sick, very sick when the babies were still small she died leaving Barney and Cocoa behind, Cocoa soon followed. Barney was all alone he had no one left, so I took him in, I feed him regularly and played with him constantly, he was like a dog, I would call him and he'd come running, whenever I had friends over we would all play, eventually Barney had to go across the road to a new pen. I remember whenever I would take him out I would say "Remember Barney always look both ways and if a car comes don't cross". Barney got tired of being across the road so he got out a couple times I remember him standing at the edge away from the cars and looking both ways making sure no car was coming before crossing, he would come to the door and with his little horns he would knock on the door till I let him in. He was my best friend for a long time, he was my baby, I remember how he never judged of course he couldn't he was a goat, I still loved him with all my heart. I remember the day her got too wild to stay at our farm, he had to be sold. I remember crying as they took him away. I've never been as close to a animal cause I've been scared they would leave, same with people.

Random Thoughts and Anything Else My Brain Comes Up With
CasualeProbably (most likely) a book that's full of nonsense.